Page 116 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 116

                                       TABLE C-II—EXPORTS—concM.
             Total value of Exports to Principal Countries from the Bahrain Islands during the year* 1928-29 to
                                              1930-31—cone Id.

                                                     Quantity.             Value.
               Aktku> .«» Corsrnxr.8 xo waicu exported.
                                               192S-20.    i 103031.  IH2H.2!*. tOJ'I.Vl. 1V3U.;
                                                    1                     i
             M ijoollaivx-n s—con Id.                                £    I  £      £
              Motor Cars—                                                        I
                Arabia .                 . No*.    Si •   (5          2.32S  0.375  2.043
                Persia .                           i             i               i   id
                India                                     3:     i            300    i.-.i
                Iraq                                 I    I :                  73
                                                     *     l
              Motor Accessories—                            :
                Arabia .                                               J3S  !  075   74H
                Perhia .                                                  :           45
                Iraq                                                           a
              Gold Coins—                                                 *
                Arabia .                                               734 4
                Iraq                                                   M3
                India                                                .T.».33*»  1I/W3  3l.S»iO
              Articles not mentioned abo'vc—
               Arab ia .                                              3.272   tilts
                Iraq ....                                                     hl/J  1.340
                India ....                                             314   i.Mui   1,4»i .4
                Persia ....                                           1.423 i  0 20  1,«*»4
                Europe ....                                                           UK
                                                           I      I
                                      Total                         W3.723 • S-.7,34w
                                      %                                   :
             Return of British Shipping which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port of Bahrain
                                          during the yeas 1S3C-31.
                                      ENTERED.                            • oriii:i>.
                   Flos                                  To
                              Vi'h Carpo. " 1b lull**!.  Total.    With Cisco.; I> Lilian.  T*UL
             ViJr-al Klncdoaa .   a             25  VsdK l Klrpdon .
             loiia .             54             54  IrUa              si            2%
             JU*£sa              u              IS  Al Ma .           u              15
             Bo»r» .             28             28  Ears              Ti            '4

            Return of Shipping of nil Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of the Port of
                                      Bahrain during the year 1930-31.
                   From                                   To
                              Whh Carso.  Is K*IU»t.  Total.       WiiUi'irs,. J lb  To*aL
            lulu*               lit            122  Britt* .         122            lit
            f-trams              11            11   Cvom .            II            11
                      Total                                 Total        I
                                                M-VI.33-I0&-8J -40-
   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121