Page 119 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 119
Trade Report of the Bahrain Islands for the year ended the
3 1st March 1932.
Introduction.—The Independent Arab Principality worth £31,800 exported the previous year. Thia
of Bahrain consist.* of n group of islands off the activity in the export of gold is chiefly due to its
East coast of Arabia. The Sutc is under British rise in value consequent on the abandonment of the
protection but is not a protectorate. gold standard by Great Britain and India. The
A general of the ] bvsical, j>oL:tical and gold comprised not only coins but ornaments of ail
commercial peculiarities of the Inlands is given in kinds and the opportunity was taken to dispose
the Report for the year 1011-1012 (Annual Series at a profit of the hoardings of years.
A 50521. The permanent j-emulation is estimated Since many pearls leaving Bahrain are not declared
oT'115,<*H). and very few declared at their correct value, it is
Tuulc.—The total value of trade for the year impossible to give exact figures for tbiir export
amounted Jo £1 ,•'100,72'! aseornjared with £1,001,558 but the amount is variously estimated at between
in 1930-01. showing a dccrea.-e of £321,83? or 10*02 onc-and-a-half and 2 million pounds in a good year.
per cent. This decrease is chieny due to the world List year the value fell far short of this amount.
wide fall in prices of comiiu.<L::ies and to the lack Pearl Judust.-g.—A general description of this
of ready inorey, due to the slrm.p in the j*carl trade ; industry is given in this Agetcy Trade Report for
actual imj-orts have decreased and the n.irkct for the year 1927-28.
better class good* is at a standstill. Further, since Custom*.—The Tariff is filed by Treaty at 5
pearls are a luxury and arc only bought when other per ce&t ad valorem on all imports. In June 192*)
wants have been satisfied the depression is being on the advice of the Government of India the tax
more acutely felt in Bahrain than elsewhere, since on goods landed at Bahrain in transit to che mainland
it is almost entirely dependt-n: on the pearl trade was reduced from 5 per cent to 2 per cent at which
for a living. figure h formerly stood. Export duty o-f Rs. 10 per
Imports.—The total value o! Imports amounted bundle of hides and Rs. 2 per basket: of dates is
to £S31.?24 as against £1,087,-521 in 193-J-jl. showing charged. The Customs work is carried on by a
a decrea-e of £205.7 hi or 21*13 jer cent. The tal fc EurojKan Director of Customs under tie orders of
given hereunder sLows tiic movements of general the Ruler of Bahrain-
merchandise as compared with j earls and sjecic. BanLi.—A branch of the Eastern Bami exists at
iVr <xut cl Bahrain and transacts all classes of Emducss and
1930-31. j 1931-32. oht - :r the Hundi system is also used by the Uindu mcr-
iVarl* ls.o*i i 5.414 —65-1 This bank is also the State bank of tie Bahrain
>f*de sod l>cZiirj . lU9.5£7 i 93.316 —14-7
123.IT7 Oils ci«l Minerals.—The Bahrain Petroleum. Com
Xtrehaodi* 962.3-1 -24-8
pany limited, a subsidiary company of cb> Standard
Tom Ixtcsts 1.0*7,5:21 ' 821. *24 -21-43
Oil Company Limited of California has beta prospec
A feature of the past twelve-month has been the ting foe oil in Bahrain. They have put down a
great strides nude by Japan who now command test bore and though traces of gas have been met
the chcajxrr piece-goods market. A considerable no oil has hitherto been discovered im commercial
quantity of the textiles shown as imported from quantities.
India are actually of Japanese origin and this point Enquiries regarding trade.—The poEliral Agent,
must be borr.c in mind. Bahrain, who is in close touch with local and main
British imports benefited from the departure land affairs, will be glad to answer amy enquiries
from tbe gold standard, but Japan's departure regarding trade from merchants in the United
•from, the gold standard to all intents and purposes Kingdom through the Board of Overseas Trade.
neutralized this advinrage. Enquiries from India should be made through the
Exports.—The total value of Exports amounted Director General of Commercial InceHgcnce at
to £547,890 as against £004,031 in 1930-31. showing Calcutta. Time would probably be saved by ad-
a decrease of £50,13} or 10*24 jut cent. Tie follow drcssiiig the latter official direct, as information
ing table shows the ntovements of general merchan on most ordinary matters is available im his records.
dise as compared with |>curls, specie and gold coins. Shipping.—There is now a regular weekly mail
service fre-nx and jo India and ’IRAQ.
t*rf vcul vt Central remarks.—Motor roads suitable for car*
193U-31. 1931-32. U*jt-a»c or
4r.-rv*<*. and lorries exist over the greater part of tie Islands.
Pwoto . 42,07*2 Sl>*4 +21-8 There arc about 200 motor cam of various makes
r=V«*e and DoCUa . 1M,67<* 77.818 —6*-08 and motor cars are available for hire. Motor boats
Uid «ud SU««r 31,840 99.918 + 210-4
ply regularly between Bahrain and Qatar on the
!S:J£ 229.640 mainland and also between Bahrain arud Qatif and
Ojair, and occasionally to Kuwait and Dubai,
Total Euom 804,034 447,® 98 —1024
It will be observed that gJd coins valued at C. G. PRIOR, Capiases,
£99,194 were exported as compared with gold coin* Political Agsad, Bahrus*