Page 35 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 35

                                TABLE B-II—EXPORTS—cenfd.

                                               QCAST ITT             Valve
                                         1924-25  1925-20  11*20-27  11*24-25   1521-20  l9tt-27
                                                                t      £      t

                                         14 low
         CtLTI'dj                   Paw  IQ U»c«   129 l*Ag-J 39 bap#-   529  .185   100
                  9                                                   &X577   29.947
         Loaf                           1.19 tom  10,087 „   3WW4   21,812  4210.14
         Soft                       t"i r.t-  I/-OP  2.280  £.211   00.841
        Tea                             161   2,740 cam**  2,997  24.S00  S/.703  21,111
        VfprtkbV^ .   .                                          r-2         1.718
        All othirr kind*                                       5,569  •4,851
        Textile and Fabric*-—
         Appmrd—Wearing .                                      i;796  2.203   4,484
         Cot t-or Goods .                                      82,t13  101.312
         Sail -firth                                           1,810
         Silk fends                                            34/>43  X114
         Kilverand Cold Tbnad .                                3,621  2.757
         Tri*-*t and Yarn                                *.    3,410  2J»1
         Woo-1 and Woollen Gxeds .                       •.     282    609
         Cfcima. E-irthcn and *Jb<9?ir&rrs                     2.080  1—15
         Coir aid Rope .   .                     :       *.    2-114  7.018
         Drau** and Modu-i  n» .                 :       5     1.079   010
         Hab*Tia«hcry nnd Rviiery                :       J     4.440  3.429
         Harnhure and Cutkry                     *.            6,0.10  3.256
         Hid?-* and Skins                                      2.694  22166
         Houxiold Goods                          t             3.070  3,653
         NaU- bti .                                             9S9    001
         Perfunciy                               :             33.634  1.719
         Tobai*»o ...                                          4.730  3-253
         Motor ran                       18     11     5       2.864  1.902
         Awt^srirt .                                     :      UK)     189
         Article* not specifiedab*ore.                         72*30  9.978
                                   TABLE C-n-EXPORTS.
        Total ralue of Exports to Principal Countries from the Bahrein Islands during the years 1924^25 to
                     r *
                                              Qcaktitt              Tun
         Abtscles act corrrazri to ixiccq cxpobtzx
                                         3924-25  1925-26  2926-27  1924-25  1525-26  1928-27
                                                                *      £      £

        Baildimr* Material a—
         Tin her and Wood—
          AraiCoait .                                          1,056  1-318   1431
          Ptnia .                                ?•     •?      278    327     26
          Innfia   .   .                                                       19
         Other Kate rial*—                                            t
          Arab Coast .   .                       t?     :•      583   1-530   2^*6
          1'essia .                                     !•      683    341     710
          Bams .   ,                                             41
   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40