Page 40 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 40
Total value of Export* to Principal Ccuntritsfrcm the Bchrcin Islands during tie years 1924-25 to
QrA5Tnr Valve
AmjcLxa asd cootuies to wuicn txrcim.D
1924-26 1925 26 1920-27 1924-25 1925-24 192«{ )
£ £ £
Motcr Car*—
Arab Coart . 8 8 4 1.601 1X9 852
Persia . 10 2 UOO
Earope . •• 143
India . 2 1 250 39
Motor Arfruwriw—
Arab Coart . 93 19 568
•India . 7 170 7
Articles not roentientd ibore-^
Arab Coast . 4,970 4,452 5,441
IU*r* . 727 4S2.
India . •• * 560 3,604 2,474
Tercia . • . 1,320 1,272 1,504
Turkey . 43 5K 119
England (Eurr pe) 4 59
Total 1,115,429
Return of British Shipping which entered ard cleared in tie Foreign Trade of the Port of Bahrein
during the year 1926-27.
St mm Vessels.
Exmoi ClEAllD
From . To
With .larjo In lollirt Total With ea^o In ballast Total
India (4 C4 Dun M Ct
Bi £• 'Jt India 56 26
Abides so 10 Muscat 10 10
Total 10(0 100 Total 100 10°
! Return of Shipping of all Nationalities which entered and cleared in the Foreign Trade of. the Port
of Bahrein during the year 1926-27.
Steam Vessels.'
Emm Quid
Xallonallty Xirtorsllty
I With ciifa Total With caep> la tell art Total
British* 10S IQS BritUb !. lot 10S
Omasa -• ' ' P - • OcxmAa
Brlstaa * 1 Belgium . 1 4.
• jorladcit*«sUsBMn~«air^{|r'on£afUaA.............
ttCiPC-X-U-40-6-8 28-25.