Page 53 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 53
Total value of Imports from Principal Countries Into Bahrein Islands daring the years 1325-26 to
Qiaktitv VilXE
ARncLKS a*i» Countries mow which imported
1823-20 I'.126-27 li<27-28 1925-26 1926-27 192728
£ £ £
M iMvlIsneoi
China, Earthen and Glow arc—
Arab Cant ... 198 9
India .... 5,:MH 3,813 4.68S
Persia .... 261 287 433
Europe . . ' . 830 1.220 1,087
Turkey .... 247 74
Coir and Rope—
Arab Coast 39 138 126
Turkey .... II 178
India . 7.928 13,067 18.323
Dru-d and Mediein-?* —
Arab Coast 383 230 212
Basra .... I 11 12
India .... 1,973 2.839 2.S32
Persia .... 1 39H 702 201
Turkey . . I 19
Europe .... 59 133
HalicrdasLerr and Ho»>rr—
Basra . . . ' . 26
India .... 3.941 4,913 6,023
Turkov .... 426 37
Persia’ .... 19 67
Hardware and Cullery—
Arab Coast 104 800
Basra 90 70
India . 10.648 10,942 12,620
Persia . 474 131
Europe . 3.00* 3,324
Turkey . 726
Hides and Skins—
Arab Coast 239 2^03
Basra 56
India . 1,463 910
Persia . 74
Europe . 22
Turkey . 30
Household Goods—
Arab Coast . 2.248 1,673 3,283
Basra 1123 5.959
India t 16.337 13 311 10.004
Persia . 889 1.779 7,373
Africa . 207 116 15
Europe . 5.090 1,503 1.178
Turkey . 2.418 1,248
A rah Coast 40
India . . 1.S33 3,790
Turkey . 237