Page 56 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 56


                                         TABLE B-II—EXPORTS—con/d.
                  Total Export* of Principal Article* from Bahrein during the year* 1925-26 to 1927-28—contd.

                                                       Quantity               Viui
                                                 19 JO-26  iy:c-.»7  1927-28  IWO-26  iyj-i-27  1927.2k

                                                                         £      j£     £
                l'«gilr                     Bass    129     .39    09    3*5     l'Xi   124
                lOMi’                             16.087  28.044   32.910  <>•.077  3N.s»7  40.729
                Soft                        Tom    2280   2.211   3.«»4  •2.0.34  4 5.090  62.904
               l-s                          Can*   2.746  2.997  3.020  20.703  21.111  18.493
               All other kind*                                           4.801  :3.738  s.soi
               Textile* and Fabric
                Apparel—Wearing                                         2203    «.4S4   7J'»7
                r^tton Good* .                                         I0IJI2   1OJ.4U0   122.4 IS
       Gx>d«                                                            7 JO#
                Silver and Gold Thread                                  2.7*7   5.39 o   7JI9
                Twjst and Yam                                           2.*>»l   2.196   3JS0
                Wool and WojIIco Good*                                   t>»9   1.W0   1.050
                •.Irina. Earlbeo and GU*»nre                             1210   2.274   2.3*1
                Coir and Hope                                           x«m     4. >20   0.021
                JTru/* and JWir'iH .                                     Old    1.3*7   2.753
                Jlabi-nJashcry and Hosiery                              X429    3272   4222
                Hardware and CertJery                                   3206    3.T39   10.47S
                Hides and Skina                                         i3>6    2.‘<U0   I .*02
                Household Good*                                         sjaa   •..402   17.9.71
                Matches ....                                             on     1.011   3.907
                Perfumery                                               1.719   4.5«M   .3.5107
                                                                                 911 i
                lobacco ....                                            5233    5 379   5.070
                Motor can                   Nu«      n      5      21   1.962          4/M
                Accessories - _                                           |NfJ   370 j   731
                Articles not apec^Sed al»v-.                            a.97K   9 >2*1 I  I2J3I
                                        Total                                        l ••14.041
   !                                       TABLE C-B-EXPORTS.
               Total value of Exports to Principal Countries from the Beharein Islands during the pears 1925-26 to
                                                        Ql.'A STITT           Ynu
                Amcus AXD CvOSTUXS TO WHICH EXPORTED
                                                 1925-26  1920-27  1327-28  1920-26'  1920-27 I I: >27-28
                                                                        £       £      £
               Kuikiicg Material*—
               ■ Timber and Wood—
                 Arab Coast .                                           1211 h  1.131  3,W
                 Persia .   8                                            327     20     430
                 India .                                                          19
                Other Materials—
                 Arab Coast ,                                           1.030   2.646  2.W9
                 J’usia .                                                341     710    VI l
   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61