Page 59 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 59
Total value of Exports to Principal Co-uatrie. from the Balirein Island* iurinf the years 192S-26 to
1927-28—con Id.
Qcastitt Talcs
Articlu and Cucmries to wnni extorted
1925-26 1926-27 1927-28 192526 1920-27 1927-28
l £ £
All otlxT kinds—
Arab Coast . 1,915 2,950 6,754
Persia . 860 788 2,127
Turkey . 46
Textiles aad fabrics—
Wean nr Apparels—
Arab Ovist . 1,983 3,604 0,818
India 148 31
Persia . 74 043 1,370
London (Europe) 44
flairs . . 193 148
Cotton Goods— i
Arab Coast . 1 93,926 143,687 112,121
Basra . , » 1,096 370
P«rsa . 7.327 15,429 9,921
Turkey . 59 1S3
Silk atd Silk Pieoe^iods—
Arab Coast . 2,7 lO- 4,496 6,460
Perna . nS 533 919
India ... 182
Turkey . 44
Silver and Gold Threads—
Arab Coast . 2,527 5,395 6,503
Peru's . 230 785
India 31
TwiM and Tam—
Arab Coast 1.721 1,864 3,380
Praia . 250 332
W« ol and Woollen Goods—
Arab Coast . 15 22 11
India . 594 1,034 1,04*
China, Earthen and Classware—
Arab Coast 1.174 2,196 1,846
Persia .... 41 178
Coir and Rope—
Arab Coast 2.644 4,526 4,443
Persia 344 295 1,073
India 4
Drugs sad Medicines—
Arab Coast 47ft 1*3 1*7
India ... 111
Persia 31 344 41ft
HabcrdasLery and Hosiery—
Arab Coast 2,6fi« 2,777 3.311
Persia 770 49ft 911