Page 84 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 84
Enquiries Regarding Trade. Bi*3iirc the practice o-f sending mails to Tu^U by
The- Political Agent, Bahrain, who is in clow uj-ytearners cii Bin-hire has c*«*a«ed. Thus the
touch with local and lunhlaiid affairs, will Ik* glad number of nails to lmdia are r«iJu<»*«l from six to
lt» an.Mver any enquiries n*garding trade from mer two.. This a-Ivors*dv affects th* commercial cora-
chants in the United Kiuglom throush the Commer inamitr.
cial Inte.lIic».iKe Branch of the Board of Trade.
Enquiries fr**m India t>heuhl 1h* ni.ude through the Gcncral Remarks.
Director General of Commercial Intelligcurc ut Motor ro.i«h suitable for cars an*«I Arties exist over
Calcutta. Time would jmbablv be saved bv ad*3res«- tl*' greater part of the Inlands. There are about
ir-c the latter official direct, ns information on most 2"" motor r-rs of various makes ;and motor cars nrc
ordinary matters is available in his records. available <»n hire. M*«tor boats j»lr regularly bet-
w« »* H Bahrain and Ga"ar on the maiulaud and also
Shipp Inf. btfwcvn B-LraLa and Qatif and Cjair.
Th- re is a regular weekly mail service from India
o.ri'l l»i-wii kly to India. As reported previously r. G. TRIOR,
owiny to the abolition of the British Post Offjcc* at Political Jji ht, Bolrain.
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