Page 86 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 86

                                   TABLE B-I—IMPORTS—contd.

             Total Imports of Principal Articles into Bahrain during the years 1927-28 to 1929-30—conlJ.
                                                   Qri>nrr.               Van.
                       Aim r lev
                                             1927 28  192S-29  1929-30  1927-28  1728-29  1929-30

                                                                     £      £      £
            Charcoal                                                 &StM   r.,TS2   8.395
            Firewood                                                2U83   SI.M2   24,814
            Km**fne .                   Tin.  Ko.sno   85,3.72   62,537  20.613  14.9*5  16.207
            lVtr 4                            13,754*  22.31U  24,542  6283  7,723  6.41*6
            Other Oil*.                                             14,337  11^*08  9,398
          F»-arl*. Sht-Cs and Specie, Ho.—
            Pearl*   ....                                           14.170  27.438  11,843
            Shell*   ....                                             781    21.3    58
            Specie .   .   •                                       55 V Ml  283,411  574.02$
            Coflee                     . Cuts.  14,074  12.463  13,737  953*68  14*9.848  f*).8!4
            Kish. Dried                                              2369   3.426  2.4*24
            Ghee                       . Galls.   5*0,120  116.706  7>»/*60  37JS07  86.926  43.585
            Vegetable Ghee             . Ton*                 392                  152*84
            Spic tf •                                               23JV>2  32,728  JV)76
            Dates .                                                 55213  29.670  51.465
            Other sorts                                             16.689  10.641  132*62
            Candj                      . Bag*   462   7.S71    289   1.139  7.218   7*'8
            Loaf.                      . Tona  1.925  2,"54  3,177  58.035  53,678  78,!*tU
            Crystal                      »*                   1,4*26               16*42
            Sift                               0,630  fv3S8  2,496  111,899   loi.ciy  34,794
           Tea                         • t»    3.CO0  .12.070       2*4471   81,397  43.400
                                       . Cm
           Provisions <4 other kiads                                1N781  20.293  16,368
           Textiles and Fabrics—
            Wearing Apparel .   .                                   3U216  12.163  5,770
            Cut ton Gooaa ...                                      2J*v763  238,140  2W.270
            Silk Good* ...                                          19.522  2f/*8S  18,082
            Gold and Silver Thread .                                16.605  17,802  12/126
            Cotton Twist and Varna                                  10.422  11.168  8,245
            Wool and Woollen Goods .                                 U81    8,989    87
            China, Eirtben and dataware                              6407   6,875  U01
            Cuir and Rope ...                                       18.651  13,723  7/»77
           Raw Cotton .   .                                                        42*48
            Drugs and Medicines .   .                                3390   4/J09  302116
            Haberdashery and Hosiery                                 V*28   7,396  3,651
            Hardware and Outlay   .                                 15,766   28,722  23,581
            Hides and Skina .   ,                                    2.793   4^79  3^38
            Household Goods .   .                                   27,612   34.117  2*Mi67
            Perfumery ...                                     V      7,950  11,163  11*341
            Matches .                                                2370   4.622  5.631
            Tobacao •   .   •   •                                   28508  38.162  32/443
            Cars                         Koa.    47     44           8.718  6.738  11,764
            Cycles (Push) .                                    70             23
            Accesaorias .   .   .                                    2,289  3,122  3,174
            Hunts •   ,   ,                       S      t             89
            Articles not mentioned a boss                           18,578  110.787  6/*60
                              T«ra lioom  #                          • •         1,930,692

   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91