Page 92 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 92

                                       TABLE A» II—EXPORTS.

                            Conrrairs.                  1927-28     1928-29    1929-30

                                                          £           £          £
          Arab Coast                                      529.907    548,<»7     *01.723
          Africa                                            1.120      2,043     15,856
          Basra                                            3.403      10,177     17.211
          England                                                      2/44       3,080
          Cermany                                           470
          India                                           309,520    355.8JO     327,012
          IVnia                                           109,615     73,653     62.588
          CWm                                                            71         54

                                            Total        1,014,041   993,713     687.563

              Decrease in 1928-29 below 1927-28 .               =20/16  .   2-0 per cent.
              Decrease in 1929-30 below 1928-29 .              -=IWi.lC0  . I(r7 per cent.
                                      TABLE B-II—EXPORTS.
              Total Exports of Principal Articles from Bahrain during the years 1927-22 to 1929-38.

                                                   Qcaxtitt.             Valcu.
                                             1927-28  1928-29  1929-30  1927-28  1928-29  1929-30

                                                                    £       t      t
          Building Material*—
           Tionber and Vood                                         4/10   24)24   397
            Other Material*                                         3,491  2,076   SW0
           Rice                        Tona   10/66  14/99  12.094  175/70  223,335  161,416
           Seeds ,   •   •   •   ,                                   301    458     231
           Wheat........................................  910  343  111  11,613  4.218  1*396
           Wheat Floor .....                    470    343    271   7.168  6392   44*»
           Other Grains •   •   •   •                                501   2310   6*172
         Dyeing and Colouring Materials .                    • •    1^3     418     DM
           Charcoal                                                  427    286     114
           Firewood                                                 7/131  2/83    4ik
           Kerosene •   «   •          Calls.  69^(0  20,464  7.136  34*40  MN     616
           Petrol .                            8,720  6,444  6,640   787    732    221
           Other Oil*.  .  •   •                             • •    6,146  2/26   1,166
         Pearls, Shell* and Specie,
           Pearls •                                                1504*19  U4/92  141/76
          Shells                                             • •      14   U70     68B
          Epoch .   m   0                                          J97*616  1734*65  183,922

   87   88   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97