Page 94 - 2 Persian Trade rep Bahrain 2_Neat
P. 94


                                   TABLE OH—EXPORTS-cw>(i.
         Total value of Exports to P/mcipal Countries from the Bahrain Islands during the years 1927*28 to
                                                   Qasimf.               Vailtx.
           Annctxs ay© Cornura to *mcn Extorted.
                                            1927*28  192&-29  1920-30  1927-23  192.% 29  1029-30
                                                                    £      £      £
          Building Materials—ronld.
           Other Materials—
             Arab Coast .   .                                      2^90     633    578
             Perris .                                               Pul     821    387
            Barrs .   .                                                     422     15
           K ice-
            Arab Coast                 Tons   9,430  14.020  11,704  1 60,667  21 *.377  178,463
            Basra .                             3      26      1     38     398     11
            Perris .                           927    334    330   14,605  3,561  4,944
            Arab Coast                                              456     293    165
            Persia .                                                 45     165    Cl
            Burs •                                                                  5
            Arab Coast                 Tons    «*9    313    111   1L604  4,218   1,336
            Peru’s .                            1                     9
           .Wheat Floor—
           . Arab Coast                Tons    468    314    269   7.135  5,362  4,037       t
            Penis .                                    2      3      15     30     43
            Baers .                             1                    18
           Other Grain*—
            Arab Coast                                              456   2,152   1,958
            Persia .                                                 45     158    146
            India .           .•                                                   68
         Dyeing and Colouring Materials —
            Arab Coast ...                                          5S5    304     159
            Persia .   .   .   .                                    290     115    10
            India «...                                              148            II
            Arab Coast                                              427    206     114
            Arab Coast                                      • •    6,740  2.118    404
            Persia .                                                81J    277
            Arab Coast .               Galls.  61A80  17,488  6^36  3^4    982     473
            Persia .   .   j£  3              8460   2^76    900    456    262     43
            Arab Coast    H            Galls.  6,720  7,306  3,640  787    650     221
            Persia .   •   |».i                       918   • •             82
           Other Oils and Tallow —
            Arab Coast  •   •                                      4.453  3J64     921
            Persia ,    • *                   • •           • •     690     161    155
            Basra 5                                                                68
            India .                                                                24
         Pearls, Sheila and Specie, e*e^—
            India                                                 160,919  1344*92  134,415
            Arabia •   •   t* •                                                   6,863
   89   90   91   92   93   94   95   96   97   98   99