Page 402 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 402
THE YEAR 1915.
Major T. H. Keyes held charge of the
Agency throughout the year.
Relations with Shaikh lea bin Ali, C.S.I., havo been excellent throughout
the year. His youngest son, Shaikh Abdul-
Shaikh Isa and the A1 Khalifah Famlij.
lah, was awarded the O.I.E., on January 1st,
for assistance rendered during the stay of the Expeditionary force, in October
1914, and was invested with the baage of the Order by His Excellency the
Viceroy in Kuwait in the same month. Shaikh Isa was unable to attend on this
occasion and was invested at Bahrain by the Hon’ble the Political Resident in I
Shaikh Ali bin Ahmad was fined Rs. 300 by the Political Agent for contu
macious conduct towards Shaikh Isa, and Shaikh Hamad bin Muhammad’s
conduct was also brought to the notice of the Resident.
Assistant Surgeon G. K. Monani was in charge of the Victoria Memorial
Hospital, the figures of which, as compared
Victoria Memorial Hospital.
with the last two years, are as follows:—
Toar, In-door. Oat-door. Total.
1913 78 5,252 5,330
1914 49 4,G40 •1,689
1915 49 5,665 6,714
The Political Agent attended His Excellency the Viceroy's investiture at
Kuwait with Shaikh Abdullah, in January,
Political Agent'* Tour*.
and thence proceeded to Basrah. He went
to Doha with H. M. S.’s “ Pyramus ” and “ Dalhousie99 in August and again
with Colonel Grey in H. M. S. “ Lawrence *’ in October (vide Qatar section),
and to Qatif, in December, in H. M. S. u Lawrence.”
Plague, which had appeared on December 22nd, 1914, did not die out till
_ _ 7th June 1915. There were about 5,000
Fl«g»° and QutnnfiM. deaths. Rye Agency employes were
attacked by the disease and one died.
ShaiKh Isa undertook primitive sanitary precautions which were carried
out under Dr. Boomla, the Quarantine Medical Officer.
632 persons were innoculated by Dr. Monani and 260 doses of serum were
supplied to the Arabian Mission Hospital.
The “Wireless buildings were commenced,
r« m ti<m. jn june 1915, and were practically com
pleted by the end of the year. f
The remarks on page 54 of last year s
local Official* and Majlia.
Administration Report regarding the local
officials and Majlis apply this year.
There has been u very marked diminution in the Judicial work since the
outbreak of war with Turkey. Civil suite
fell from 1,484, valued at Rs. 6,00,000, to
001, valued at Rs. 2,93,200, and Criminal cases from 382 to 103.