Page 403 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 403

                                     FOR TUB TTKA.R 1015.
                  The only serious crime committed during the year   was the murder of
              Yusuf Sharnun, tl 10leading Christian merchant, by housebreakers. Three out
              of the 4 housebreakers were caught after about six months, and a Jew, who had
              given them information and disposed of the stolen goods, was brought back
              from J3asrah. One was sentenced to transportation for life and 2 to 14 years,
              while the Jow was sentenced to seven years. Twenty-eight bad characters were
              repatriated during tlio year.
                             Nationality of Parties in Criminal Cases
                    British   , •  ,   .   28   Maskafc •   •          IS
                    Bahrain   .   ,   .   44   Independent Arab        21
                    Persian      .   .   87   Manumitted Slaves         8
                    Ottoman              91 Somalis                    IS
                 The small number of Civil Suits filed was due to restriction of Credit
              owing to the war and to the fact that most outstanding claims were settled last
                               Nationality of Parties in Civil Suits,
                    British      •   •   249 'Maskat .              . 101
                    Bahrain      •   .   304   Independent Arab     . 137
                    Persian      .   .   367   Mann milted Slaves      13
                    Ottoman              100   Somalis
                                 French                   1
                 Of the G01 Civil Suits 397 were heard by the Political Agent, while 131
              were settled with the assistance of the Majlis, 49 by the, Qazis, 19 by the
              Pearl Salifah and 5 by tho Marine Salifah. 214 were settled by consent.
                 Abdul Aziz bin Abdur Rahman, Imam of Nejd, generally known as Bin
                        -     . n .         Saud, was engaged in warlike operations
                         aesaan Qa i.       against the Ajman in Ilassa for the last
              half of the year. By November he had the situation well in hand and the
              Ajman retired to the Kuwait border to seek Sir Mubarak’s mediation just
              before the latter’s death. The Political Agent met Bin Saud at Qatif, on De­
              cember 22nd, and accompanied him to Darin in Tarut Island where he had an
              interview with the Hon’ble Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Percy Cox, on tho 26th.
                 The Turkish garrison in A1 Bcda was gradually reduced by desertions
                                            until August, when the Political Agent
                                            went down with H. M. S. “ Pyramus99
              and u Dalhousie.** At the advice of Shaikh Abdullah bin Qassim the remainder
              of the Turks abandoned the fort which was occupied by a landing party.
             Three guns, 500 shells and 105,000 rounds of ammunition were removed and the
             fort was made over to the Shaikh.
                 Colonel Grey and the Political Agent again went to Qatar in October
                 Steps were taken during the last five months of the year to prevent the
                                            Tangistanis trading with Bahrain and, in
                    Trade •with. Tacgistan Coart.
                                            consequence, the tea smuggled into Persia
              only reached one-third of the usual amount.
                                              Nothing of interest in connection with
                         Arm i Traffic.
              the Arms Traffic occurred during the year.
                                               No cases of Piraoy were reported.
                                               Eight slaves were manumitted during?
                         Slave Trade.
                                             the year.
                  H. M. 8. t( Dalhousio ** visited Bahrain four times, H. M. S. “ Pyramus ”
                     vuiti of h; m, b. shipa,   twice and H. M.S. * Lawrence ” four
                                             times during the year.
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