Page 565 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 565

                                      POtt TUB TOAJL 1017..

                                         CHAPTER X,
                                      THE YEAR 1917.
                  Charge of tbe Political Agency was hold by Captain P. G. Loch through­
                                             out the year. Assistant Surgeon Monani
                   „      Pcreonncl.         returned from nine months* sick leave on
               September 10th, and Assistant Surgeon A. J. Kapasi returned to India.
                  Relations with Shaikh * Isa have continued satisfactory with the exception
                                             of two matters. One was an endeavour
                  Shaikh 'In and A1 Kbalifah Family.
                                             on the part of Shaikh *Isa to assert hia
               longed for right of jurisdiction over Hasawia and Najdis. In this case the
               rudder of a sailing boat belonging to an Hasawi was seized by the Shaikh’s
               order to put pressure on the man in connection with a debt. On
               representations being made to Shaikh * Isa ho somewhat reluctantly restored
               the rudder and the case was dealt with in the Political Agent’s Court.
               The Shaikh brought up the question of jurisdiction but it was explained
               to him that the matter had, as he knew, been referred to the Government'
               of India, that, owing to their war pre-occupations they had no leisure
               to deal with it at the present time and that he must in the meantime
               refrain from upsetting the existing state of affairs. The second matter was
               the imprisonment of two Persians for over a week by the Amir (head official)
               of iluharrao by order of the Shaikh. The Shaikh ^as away when this was
               brought tG the"notice of the Political Agent and the Amir refused to send the
               two men over to the Agency ; on being strongly pressed, however, he did so.
               Tbe Shaikh was asked to furnish an immediate explanation of the occurrence
               and stated that he had issued the order on the eve of going out on a hunting
               erpediiion and had forgotton about the men. About the same time the
               release of a neeresa from the lock up of the Amir of llanamah had to be demand­
               ed. A frank discussion of the incidents has led to complete understanding and
               it is hoped that no further ca?2S of the kind will take place.
                  Shaikh Earned, the nominated successor of Shaikh * Isa, has been friendly
               sad seems to be taking rather more interest in affairs than formerly.
                   Shaikh Abdullah, C.I.E., the third son of Shaikh *123, often does busi­
               ness on behalf of his father. He is very intelligent and a thoroughly nice
               person to deal with ; much of the present smoothness of relations between the
               Agency and the Shaikh is due to him.
                   Assistant Surgeon A. J. Kapasi was in charge of the Hospital from
                     vkteri. H«u»rui         January to September 14th, and Assistant
                                              burgeon U-. K. Monani from September
               I5th to the end of the year. The numbers of cases treated aa compared with
               the two previous years, are as follows :—
                       Te*r.       In-door*.        Out-doorv         Tot&L
                       1915  .       49              5,665            5,714
                       1916  .       34               5,057           5,091
                       1917  .       34               6,035           6,069
                                                Captain P. G. Loch, Political Agent,
                       Political Agent's Tour.
                                              accompanied by Mrs. Loch, visited the
                                              following places on tour .
                     April 1st to 5th. ’Ali, Rifa’ash Sharqi, Jabal Dukhan and Sakhir.
                     July 7th to 9th. Bas Tanurah, Qatif and ’Oqair.
                    December 21st to 27th. ’Ali, Hanaini. Sakhir,  ’Ain al qar and
                   ■n. swab ... r* *«”>»%*
                       pugua»ndQu»rantti>®.   geon in oharge of the Victoria Memorial
               Hospital carried out the duties of the Quarantine Medioal Officer in addition
               10'“inMarch we^Steof^gue broke out which lasted fill June—them
               Were 1,393 deaths from plague of which ten were of persona who had been
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