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P. 636


                                             CHAPTER X.
                                          THE YEAR 1918.
                      Charge of the Political Agency was hold by the following officers for th e
                              Personnel          period shown :—

                        Captain P. G. Loch, from January 1st to February 28th.
                        G. A. Mungavin, Esq., from March 1st to December 1st.
                        Captain N. N. E. Bray, M.C., from 2nd to 31st December.
                      Relations with Shaikh Isa have continued satisfactory with the excep-
                      Cl* -IIT      rt V * -1    tion five matters, one of which was
                      SLv.kb I» and A1 Kfc&hfsh ftallj.   during Cap(a;n   and fouf in
                  Mr. Mungavin’s period. On January 17th, Shaikh Muhammad, second  son
                  of Shaikh Isa, returned from Licgah by S.'S. “ Orura ”. On airival the ship
                 flew the Shaikh’s flag and fired a salute of two guns when Shaikh Muhammad
                 disembarked. On enquiry from the Captain of " Orura ” who was new to the
                  Persian Gulf it was found that Shaikh Muhammad had asked him to fire the
                 salute. Representations were made to Shaikh Isa regarding the salute and
                  his son sent in a letter of apology to the Political Agent.-
                     Two of these cases were an endeavour on the part of Shaikh Isa to assert
                 his authority over Hasawis and ? ajdis. In one case the Amir of Muharraq
                 Island arrested and imprisoned Hasawis by order of Shaikh Isa who, on repre­
                 sentation, argued that the Hcsawis were under his jurisdiction but he was told
                 that this could not be recognised. Shaikh Isa promised that this will not
                 occur again and sent the Amir of Muharraq to the Agency to apologise to the
                 Political Agent. In the other case the Amir of Manamah took a deposit of
                 £4 from a foreign subject who was suspected of having pearls in his possession
                 belonging to bis nakhuda On hearing the matter the Political Agent seut
                 for the Amir and recovered the money which was handed over to the man
                 whose case was then dealt in the Agency. The Ajnir apologised profusely
                 and promised to behave himself well in the future.
                     In the fourth case the TTazir of Shaikh Isa at Buraidi interfered with
                 the property of Mirza Abdur Rasul Safar, a British subject. The latter’s
                 Bahraini gardener was imprisoned and two airisbes were pulled down. On
                 interviewing the Shaikh regarding the matter His Excellency claimed that
                 the but6 had been erected on his ground. • He was told that fhe huts were
                 within the limits of the garden defined as Buraidi and that the case had been
                 decided by Captain Loch and that he could not rererse the decision of his
                 predecessor. His Excellency stated that he protested against that decision.
                 The Political Agent informed him that he would carry out any orders the
                 Resident issued on the subject, but that he must insist on adhering to the
                 judgment given. The were subsequently erected in the same places
                 and the Bahraini gardener was released.
                     The fifth case relates to an assault on the Amir of Manamah by three
                 Baluchi servants of Shaikh Hamad bin Isa. The three Baluchis were dragged
                 and beaten on the way to the Shaikh’s house and were flogged and beaten by
                 Shaikh Abdullah bin Isa’s order. The dispute was between the youngest brother
                 of the Amir and the three Baluchis over some prostitutes. Th9 Amir was
                 to have *spoken roughly and abused the three Baluchis. On being asked to
                 • lease the Paluchis Snaikh Isa stated at first that he would rather lea'
                 Bahrain himself than release two of the three Baluchis who were
                 up or to hand them over to the Political Agency as they were born in Bahr*1
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