Page 778 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 778

                       A revenue collecting expedition in Kuhgilu is to be undertaken- by the
                   Bakhtiari Khans this winter and they have announced their intention op
                   withhoding the revenues of the Ram Hormuz district for this year to provide
                   funds for the expedition.
                       Anglo-Persian Oil Company,—The operations of the Company have steadily
                   oxtended. Kut Abdullah pumping station was brought into commission in
                   October and Mullasani and Dorquain pumping stations will bo ready shortly.
                   Drilling operations in Pushtikuh have had to bo postponed owing to transport
                       The Indian labour employed in Arabistan is now becoming organized, and
                   is reacting to the industrial situation in India. A strike occurred at the oil­
                   fields in June, but was speedily settled through the intervention of the Vice-
                   Consul. The causes of the strike and the conditions of labour at the oilfields
                  have been fully discussed elsewhere. Ad entirely new regime has been
                  introduced by Mr. H. E. Nichols, one of the London Directors of the Oil
                  Company, who arrived in December armed with full powers, and the  new
                  arrangements for the pay and housing of Indian labour are more than adequate.
                  At the same time every effort is being made to develop the local supply of
                  skilled labour and gradually decrease the Company’s dependence on labour
                  imported from India.
                      A succession of bad harvests has made it difficult to supply the demands
                  of the ever increasing number of workmen. Increased cultivation can only be
                  secured by the preservation of law and order and for-this reason alone it is of
                  the utmost importance that our political hold on North Arabistan should be

                      Captain J. B. Lewis, Civil Surgeon, left for England on 30th May 1920
                  and was succeeded by Major A. C. Oldham.

                         Total inpatients treated during 1920               452
                         Total outpatients treated during 1920           . 3,235
                         Major operations performed during 1920              60
                         Minor operations performed during 1920             430
                      The Civil Surgeon continues to supervise the sanitation of the town.
                      Two cases of cholera occurred in November. Otherwise there has been
                  a conspioious absence of infectious disease.
                                       British Post Office at Ahuoaz.
                        Total number of registered letters dealt with      9,276
                        Total number of parcels .....                      3,864
                        Total number of Value Payable Post Parcels         2,696
                        Total number of Money Orders issued .   .          6,464
                        Total number of value of Money Orders issued  Rs. 4,83,820-12-4

                                      British Post Office at Oilfields
                        Total number of registered letters dealt with      2,000
                        Total number of parcels...................................  62
                        Total number of Value Payable Post Parcels          173
                        Total number of Money Orders    • .                2,686
                        Total number of value of Money Orders     Rs. 2,76,886-10-0

                                                          E. G. B. PEEL,. Captain,
                                                    Mis Britannic Majesty's Vice-Consul,
   773   774   775   776   777   778   779   780   781   782   783