Page 783 - PERSIAN 8 1912_1920_Neat
P. 783
Two troops of the Levy who had hcen enlisted from Snrtip Khan's
followers deserted feo Scyed Mohamad Khan as soon as he openly declared his
intentions; some wore killed-in the fighting and the remainder escaped with
The Amlch Lurs and Mushattat Arabs have been most orderly throughout
the year and have assisted the Political Officer in every way when called upon.
Saifullah Khan, the Head of one section of the Amleh Lurs who was sentenced
to two years' imprisonment last year for the attempted murder of Ghulam Roza
Khan, the Head of the other section of these Lurs, and afterwards released is
a great assist in combating the intrigues of the latter with the Sag wands.
I am considerably impressed with Saifullah Khan.who has been several times
mentioned in i he past in l he intelligence reports of the Karun front for his
conspicuous bravery and loyal help to the ,23rd Cavalry E. E.
The relations with the Luristan tribes have been on the whole very
amicable and most of their chiefs have visited Dizful during the year. It is
hoped that it will be possible to put a stop to the petty looting which these
tribes usually indulge in previous to their return to the hills in the spring.
The Ckenana and Khasraj tribes who are nominally under tho Rani Lam
of Mesopotamia, but whoso habitation is actually in Persian territory, require
more effective measures for their control. Tho status of the latter especially
requires defining and it is hoped that early steps will be taken by the necessary
authorities to do so.
Their depredation across the Karkheh river into Dizful territory are
fairly frequent and they are a constant menace on the Caravan route between
Dizful and Amara.
Sagicand Levy.
The Levy was reinforced in the spring by the addition of two fighting
fords under Lieutenant A. Amos.
Its work during the year has been satisfactory,'its chief duties being the
protection of cultivators in outlying districts, and the pursuit of small bodies of
A party of Andelwand Bakhtiaris who attacked a caravan early in the
year were captured to a man, the Indian Duffadar in charge of the Levy
receiving the I. D. S. M. as a reward for his initiative in this enterprise.
Its good record was however badly smirched on account of the desertion
of two sections of Sag wands to the rebel Sayed Mohamad Khan, and it has thus
had to be entirely reconstituted.
It now consists of two sections of Sag wands and one section of Kurds,
totalling 44 men supported by two fighting fords manned by six I. O. R.’s
The presence of this Levy is a very valuable asset to the Political Officer
in maintaining order amongst the sedentary tribes, and in the general policy
of the district. '1 he gradual elimination of the greater part of the Sagwand
element however, is to be advocated.
The revenue of Arabistan has showed a marked improvement and one can
be fairly confident, that if the present state of affairs continues, and no
political upheaval takes place, the Persian Administration will be able to
shoulder in reality next financial year, the burden necessary for the mam*
tenance of security and therefore collections of revenue which they stated that
they were prepared to accept in April.
R 300ak^eS am0Un*i *° aPPro-™tely Krans 25,000 per mensem or
The Revenue for the year 1920 amounted to KranB 61,3932 as compared
with Krans 37^,426 collected in 1919. Tho important contribution of His
Excellency the Sheikh of Mohammerah has hitherto not been forthcoming, and
he still claims that the Persian Government are in his debt on account of
expenditure incurred by him on their behalf during the war.