Page 226 - Records of Bahrain (1) (ii)_Neat
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Records of Bahrain


                                                            No. 3.
                                    MAIIOMED BIN 1CIIALIFAH, CHIEF OF BAHRAIN, FOR THE
                                    ABOLITION OF THE AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE, 1847.
                                VorJL p b,C°n V^,matc(l to mo hy Major Hcnncll, Clio Resident in tlio
                                 Snl; t ia “ft c1°nv0nll0ns have lately been onlored into hy His
                                Ktl,c I,nam of Haslcat and oilier powers with the British Government
                                nm1n!lwi1,0S0 of1P;'c1von.linS Wio exportation of slaves from tlio African Coast
                                it f.m .n -C’         moreover, been explained to me that,.in order to
                                 n1(, „. mmcuk ^lc objects contemplated by the aforesaid conventions,
                                   TWITS' au(^ co’Opcratiou of the Chiefs of the several ports, situated ...
                                SiilLan l,i^%COaSt°o,l‘°r Prcr1s,an. Gulf arc rcquircdvaccordingly I, Shaikh
                                1 j r r . u$>!lr’ Chief of the .loasmco tribe, with a\vicw to strengthen tlio
                  !             _^C,^T?X,5Un5 ,,ctwccu ,no an(l ^lcBritish 'Government, do hereby
                                w iXi«»l!I11 l lC cxl,0;,,ation of slaves from tlio Coasts of Africa and else-
                                01lf , ,oai.     ycsscl3 and those belonging to my subjects or depend-
                                («aoS^terDa^cot rroin tUo lst “ay ot koh™ A-n-120i

                                       In? fu-M0r couswnt tl,at wlionovor tlio crui/.cra ot tlio British Gov-
                                dcnmul'iiifv i? Wlt!1 i°- Iny vcss°k or those belonging to my subjects or
                                <,*1, J, * uspcolcd of being engaged in slave trade, they may detain and
                                r ini if mi <i •’ *U( 111 casc ^cir Hndin*^ that any of the vessels aforesaid have
                                violated this engagement, by the exportation of slaves from the Coasts of
                                                                               (the Government
                                   Bated this 22nd Jamadi-ool-Aval 1202 or 8tli May 1817.

                                                         SHAIKH MAHOMED BIN KHABIEAH.


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