Page 376 - Records of Bahrain (1) (ii)_Neat
P. 376
732 Records oj Bahrain
Troaly violation by corlain Arab Chiofs.
3. X am respectfully of opinion, it is desirable that Government should Political.
notice these breaches of the peace. Fivo yoars hayo elapsed since Iho heavy —
squadron of Iho Indian Nayy which used constantly to watch theso waters was No. 138.
withdrawn. We have 6inco trusted mainly to moral influence. At present
Iho Gun-bont Hugh llote with a nativo crew, aud ablo to steam only eight
hours consecutively, is tho only vessel available for service in Iho Gulfs of
Ommon and Persia.
His Excellency in Council may, perhaps, deem well to authorize me to
at onco address a letter to the Aboothabco Chief iuformiog him that Govern
ment will notice his flagrant infraction of trucial engagement. I would
solicit the favour of a telegram on this subject.
0. The pearl-fishing scoson will opcu in April, end if tho Chief were in
formed that, in tho event of his failing to muko restitution of tho plundered
property, his township, which lies closo to the 6horc line, will bo blockaded,
be and his tribesmen might probably feel tho inconvcuicucc of losing their
pearl season and yield.
No. 172, dated 27th November 1367.
From—Captain A. Cotton "Way, 1st Assistaut Political Ilcsidcnt, Persian Gulf.
To—Her Britaunic Majesty's Political Resident, Persian Oulf.
I have tho honor to submit the accompanying complaint mado by Itnma-
toolo, a British subject residing at Lingah, that
>1 bagioodee. tho property iu chargo of his agents on tho Gattnr
100 ihtoei of ololh.
4,131 Krooi. coast has been plundered by tho Chief of Bahrein's
From tho lei tor marked B. it appears that the property was at first spared,
os being tho property of a British subject, but was afterwards, after being
shipped, plundered.
Dated IHh R*lib lMt,
Mlh Nofeiufcor lioj.
From—Hms Ramatoola din Hamad, Hyderabodeo.
I deo to forward a list of tho goods, &c., that I bad in hands of agents at
Qatlar. At first tho Shaikh of Bauroin spared them from being plundered,
but on tho goods being shipped, they wero taken at sea.
List of goods and money in charge of people as below
Beo Khaii*, BahtronM, aud ion, Medoo, 31 bagi coffco, 100 lhanci of doth.
cash duo to mo 1,300 Krani.
Uijeo Mahomed, Bibaranco 1,460
Ohuatneo, Baharaneo 1,100
Hajee Ali, Babaraooo 85
S/ed Haahem, Babaraooo 150
Sjed Mooiar, Babaranee. 30
Total 4,131
No. 173, daUd 27th November 1807.
From—lit Aiaiilaot Political Resident, Pcriiao Gulf.
To—Her BriUonio Majcity'i Political llciidcot, Pcrciau Gulf.
I DATE tho honor to informyou that the British Agent has reported that
8hoikh Saecd bin Khalifa lias returned with his forco to Aboothabco.
The British Agent bos hc&Yq that Sheikh Saecd received 20,000 krans and
12 horses from the Cliiof of Bahrein; that Mahomed bin Sani, who was captured,
and would havo been killed had not tho Chief of Aboothabco interfered! has
been required to pay one lakh and eleven thousand krans; that two other mer
chants hare paid 70,000; that the town of Dobah Mahomed bin Sani has been