Page 381 - Records of Bahrain (1) (ii)_Neat
P. 381
The war with Qatar, 1867-1868
JUNE 18G3.
Broooh or maritlino truoo by Clilofa of Dahroln and Aboolhaboo.
of tbo Naim tribe, the greater number has taken refugo in Ejinnu, sorno aro PoWfoal.
in the Ncjd district, and others iu Bahrein; —
I'M# »coouiji»olin«ot n.
an<l tbo tribo of Ali-boo-Amccn is at lias No. 03.
Knkkam. Tho country is, consequently, uuinhubited and waste.
Tidi kccocnpaaicneott U-2, C-2, E-2, J-2 24. The losses of the Muslcm
K-2, X. and Naim tribes appear to have
been Kraus ... G03,7G5
The Soudan tribe, owing to the
I'M# kooompaofroonlt P., \V., K-2.
protection given them by the Chief
of Aboolbabcc, lost only Kraus ... 3,780
Tbo Amccn tribo escaped being
V*<U aooompauimoot D.
plundered by tbo order of Sheikh
Tbo Ali Kowarab, tbc richest tribe, suffered most: there not
being any of tbo beans of the tribo
Fid# acoompaainioot 1Y.
in the coast, tho exact amount
could not bo ascertained ; tho estimated amount is ICraus 500,000
r«J« eccompioimoot D. Grand total, Kraus ... 1,107,545
Besido which, British subject Ilajco Ramahala of Lingali has complained
YU* forraar Report No. 172, of 27th No- that property aud cash, amounting to Krans
vambar 18G7. 7,381}-, in charge of his Agents, which were
shipped for greater safety, was plundered.
25. Tbc property taken was of every description, from vessels, pearls,
gold, and’jcwellery to tho rafters aud doors
F»Ji accompaniment* F-2, C-2, A-3, and C.
of the houses, and cvcu dale poles.
2G. The number of vessels lost by the Nairn and Muslcm tribes by the
attack of the combined fleets ou the Bunder
YU* aococnpaoimecla 6., Y., A-2.
Naim 17
Mualem (names of owners given) ... ••• ••• ••• 11
Tho number taken when at, or proceeding to, sea by the fleet of tbo Chief of
. „ „ . Q „ Bahrein of nil tribes is supposed to bo
7id/ aooonipaoimaot* U., F.-J, 8.-2. 30
(proof of two only)
Taken by Chief of Abootbaboc’s fleet
VU* accompaniment* P., 3., A-2, J-2, A./C. 1
ut sea
Plundered by Abootbabco's fleet’ at
Yidi accompaniment* K., L. 1
sea ...
Total ... CO
Tbo number of vessels lost by other tribes at the Bunders could not bo
27. Tbo value of tho plunder taken and preseuts received from tho Clncf
Of Bahrein by tho Chief of Aboothabco appears to bo Krans 07,200, made
up thus—r
Cash, 35,000...
K?V'S0n,Ptn,O,0nU J-, Z , D-2, L-2, M-2, Coflee, 50 bags... Ml 5,000
lticc, 300 „ ••• 10,000
Horse#, 3 1,000
Slaws, 3 • •• IM
Da to poles, rafters, &e, &c., fcc. Ml