Page 296 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 296
686 Records of Bahrain
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..JLo 33-’lalchq’Jhighor than .in.1370. . . • ‘V ■
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3. The Jjiid'got provides for the expenditure of 207£".lakho /; k<y,,#4$4$
•Including tho;-Ruler. | o. share of . the oil royulty whiclV oinpunto -^qr.^'*,^:.
66- lakhs, and a further investment of .77-lakhs in;tho Hpoer-yp^VVl;?)'
Fund, Thqro.vhuu hoen a sharp increase in the coat-.of all doi^r tftvi 3**.
• niantOf especially in those in which much local labour in cniployodi *$[
incrcasos which euiiie into force ih.tho latter. : . :'j
oy/ing .to tl)j^vwago
‘puyt'pf 137pV;' In departments v/horo a Purge pro portion of thp;;V|; ;V%s
*v:v'.Vf‘ ■■ '• v‘f • • - Vi
.pay iQ.Hlrav/)y;,Vy lower trade employee a, ouch an schools and _ tho- ''Vj.
•v 1.1 /'t
otato Volioo:/; -y/ncoa have rJ con by 20-2?,). In the case . of higher.*;
*»r •• "i •.j.i.V • < . • -.i V'1"
grndo. employees' tho difference in loan. Utato deijartmcnto. v/ill •
cout 2 lakhs more them in 1370, Education is almost [j lakho 7’i'
Ihighcr,’ but both the number and tho sine of schools is greater, . T!:.
Public Protootion, on. which 12-^ lakhs wan a oent in 1370 will cost
16 lnlchs, provided that the police force is brought up to atron$thjV‘
there are now only 279 II.C.Os. and men in the :;t* to Police the • :vi
•• •;
authorised strength being 390- b'.CJ. Os. and men. The police-budget
provides for llnturs os well an It.lleo. It slu.uld be obsorved
that tho cost of now buildings such a:: schools or hospitals is •
not Included in Euucstion or Public Health budgets but is shewn
under Public Works. Tho subsidies to the Municipalities have
been increased by one lakh and the rtnnui and ijhia V/uof departments •
are each to be given a loan of m-s i.l.h, itl:-,;; I iivL.-r«st,
repayable within ten years, to bo spent upon Jimproving -./n^f
proper tic.;.- It i.s hoped th:t work will start mi the deep‘water
pier scheme and for thic purpose 20 lakhs has been set aside.
l\. Tho Public Works budget this year is just under 90- lakhs.
The large programme includes the completion of two blocks of .
European flats on tho Await road and the commencement of a third
1 block of flats. Tho building of flats of this typo is one of the •
• •
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fow methods of local investment and also supplies the housing moods'
of tho evw-r growing European community in Bahrain. Tho nino . ' i
. * v. t.
government shops in Barrett Bead, tho principal shopping centre
of Manama, arc to-bo enlarged by the addition of u first floor/
Two/ *