Page 297 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 297

Economic and financial affairs             (587

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           Tv/<» lQlclio Imvo l)oon allocated Tor building email workmen'a houses
                                 • . >•:
           while|i .will bd leaood at low rents to Aral)a who now inhabit Baibas tisf;%
           Thic is the first experiment that tho government has made in ! •
           housing echo mo a; if it proves successful tho project will bo
           extended. * On•’productive sohomos tho otate will spend 15'lakU^*. . ,
           3-* Unproductive .works include the completion of ix public" Iloait)i;:,:Jjfe
           building, onljtho A\/ali road, the commencement of* u-.nev/Mvpmeniev^; ‘/• v'iji;
             jk    ' |ii| ' >•.     :    ..       '
          iniatGrni.ty.l.hodpital, and ‘a Mined 1 bungalow for a ;lody;dbc’tor.
                     W?.;.Schoor on the sen front ut Muharraq .Will;,-be, comp^t.Od^,
          \f-s-K'i'*'*, •' 'itftf'i.•- k •   •                 ' /’ *
           Additional,-married quarters for .the Police are •'to b.e built ; no ary ! '•V-w’'
          ■       .. i■ "                        . .      ' • S:-: •   ; •'•.ii'Hii'iOiUfi?;
           Manama fortjVa<transport- abed with ancillary buildlngo -istoibjp/.'i •
          icompleted o.iy tho land oast of the fort, w)\cre all g o v ornmont. /{}:
           transport v/ill bo. concentrated, and orders have been*placed •fo^r'bypi^
          -'customs ajiodG.. Accommodation for Foreign! school tonehers. is

           liecoming n problem so suitable quarters are to be 1 }m
          .the Technical' Uc.hool and the workshop*  During the year..the /State'’V&
           •»   • •                                           •   • v
           bought buck a,;pioce of land on the shore at Koxaibia which- IndjvbepijV^'
           sold to the British Governwio»l. in 113(5, it iu proposed that a new V'.Vri
           pnlaco for the Rulor should bo built <>n this site and for this !:  " /;&••
           purpose 3 lulche have been allocated much of whileh will bo opont
           on building materials to l>o purchased from tlu: United Kingdom*
           Tho sum of l\ lalchs will be spent upuu roads and pavements. During
           the last two youro the Public ./orbs vp rtnumt has o:«i*x\led out
           cx tensive i**md work in 1 -a i iniua, though I eg! tin*;* toll y this is the
           responsibility of tins lianama .....lioiiisl nuthox*ities, they howuVwV,
           hove not sufficient funds or uifci.*eut to und..ria*l;o the »;or];.
           6.     In "Hotcs on the Budget, 1371" tins ;iaymout to the Privy
           Purse is not included and tin: expenditure uiulur l.i.ffwrent headings* ••
           has been shown on a u-rcentage basis, expenditure by the Public
           •7orks Department on schools and hospi tals has be*.u included under
           the headings of M.-pio. tion and Public ileal tin

           7.     In tho sui..mary of Revenue and penditure for 1370 the ;     ..;s
           uninvested balances appear to be large.  Arrangements for further

           investments were being   made ft the end of the your but the : *. *   .5
                                                                          ...... - •*. 5
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                                                                           *::  I * *v
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