Page 302 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
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692                       Records of Bahrain

                                                            \U M. POLITICAL AGUNGY
                      OOHPID1JNTIAL                                  BAHRAIN
                      Despatch No, 8
                      (1109/2/55G)                                 May 24, 1965

                                 With referonoe to Mr* Wallis despatch No, 0 of

                            December 12, 1953 enclosing oopies of tho Bahrain
                            State Budgot for 1373, I have tho honour to forward
                            herewith three copies? of the Budget for tho yoar

                            1955, together with copies of a covering 1 otter from
                            tho Adviser containing his cotonents on the budget.
                            a.    The budgot refloats as always tho Bahrain
                            Government's awareness of tho nood to provide for the
                             time when revenue from oil begins to diminish.

                             PB.'IGtf of expenditure, exolusivo of payments to tho
                             Privy Purse, go os to investment, while largo sums of
                             mouoy are spont upon rovenuo-produoing major public

                             works, such as tho supplying of electricity to most
                             of tho island from the now power houso and tho new
  ;                          doop water pier project, designed to presorve Bahrain's
                             place as tho ontrepot of the Persian Gulf, Details of

  N                          those solioinos were given in Mr, Gault's despatch
  =i                         No. 4 or April 23,

                             3.    Payments to tho Privy Purao in 1954 totalled
                             Rfl. 17,501,OCX) or nearly £11 million sterling. The
                             figure for 1954 is higher than usual owing to tho

                        ills Kxcolloncy
                             Mr, B. A, 1), Burrows, G.M.G, 9
                                   Her Majesty's Political Resident
                                                     in the Persian Gulf,
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