Page 306 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 306
696 Records of Bahrain
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vo vie a and ropolra and addition^ (uoountod to 62 Id) tho
un ofloinat SO lDl;ha In 13'a* ocxpondltur©
inoludod 12& lnklia opont on ochoollf leltho on hpopltoi
buildings, 4ii lukho on Polls* QWtdro end lokha on
improves om.n to tho Cuat»raet Ilia ooati of tho gna-oloctrlo
0oUguov not included under Public Workof woo 153& lrtkhe*
iKuifiot 1951?* Hftvenud*
in tiio budget fpp ljljjj? revenue of $30$ lokha la
nntlQipiaortj Of ttilo eu» 408 lokho ia oil rovonuo*
Quo tow a rooolptu ore cotimatcd et 95 lflMtWf lntoraob from
tho UOoorvQ Fund la oxpootod to produce 23 lokho and all
otlior revenue unounto only to about ton lakho, Tha
outline to Ql&iTOYauuo docs not include any pouaiblo
additional poymentu on aooount of prloo adjuntnonto and
tho ouctoiiio rooolptu have boon ootiraotod on n oonoorvr.tivo
6. budget 1959# iSxpondituro,
Tho oat.Uif.tocl expenditure lo 429$ Idkha, leaving 101
lukhe for luveatoont In tho UOaorvo Fund, which i t tho oud
of 19 $4 stood at 747 lakhs, (Purohuno value r/01 lakhs,
free vnluo 74'/ lakho.) In llw total estimated o:tpoiv:«l Uu'o
134 lnldiu ia tho one tliird of tho oil rovonuo which 1b
paid to tlio Privy Pur do, She balanoo, of tor doduoUng the
= | amount to bo invented and tho amount payablo to tho Privy
Purc«| 1b 295S1 lckho* Tho largeet itom of expenditure is
7$i lokhc which io to bo opont on now publio vorlcoj tula
inoludoa tlio provieion of 4ofc lakho for hoopibal building,
(out of thio 32 lakhs will bo opont on tho now women*g
hoopitol)) 7 loklio lo tlio coot of now ochoolo, 6 lokho hr.o
boon allocated for the completion of tho working peoplou*
liouooa at Qudhabla and for anothar group of woxkoro1 ho-nicm
to ba built on the land woat of tho Port which ia being
taken over by Uio Oovornmont Iran* Cable & Wirolooa ltd,,