Page 309 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 309

Economic and financial affairs             699

                            PUBLIC WOKKB SXPggDXTPRfl o 1934

        EDUCATIONAL BEQ'jpiftH
         Bow Boy a* Qohool qudafcla (in progress)
         Bow Girls1 Qohool "             “
         Now Mistreoaoa House            M
         Now Village Boys1 Schools  (Contract)
         Completion or Masters  quarters qvtr
              Toohnlool School
         Shod for Toohuiool Qohool
         Completion of House of InspeotrtM it •
           Fornalo Education              ’ ■(,
         Extension Moha. Boys1 Uchool       w.L
         Extons Ion <& Addition Qecondery School
         ExtoneIona & Additions Various flohOOl
          Boys East Rafaa         1?,994»U* 9
           n JJudayao                        4
           "  Sitra                aZtZl7# b a
           "  Muharraq (Ponce)      9,75a« 5foHL
           "  Village Sohoola      l8f02gf J*r4
          Hoalol                  aiMIilll                        18,81,552.14.10
          Old Givia * School
         Staff quarters (in progroao)
         Woi.»on Hoapltal M ”
         T.B  • Hoapltal Rof&a Hoad(in progroas)
         T • B • Clinic on Bafna Hoad
         ExtonsLon Isolation Hoapltal
         How Port Health Office                           • 13. 6
         Hoapltal Kitchen                                     8   14,64,313. .5, 8
          Police Houses (Contract)
          Police Station Budayoa                 i$$5: \
          How Quard Boom Sitra                     ate* a. 8       4,73,267, 2. 2
         HKW PALACI^ (In progress)                                11,61,338, 9. 0
         BUUADCACTING HTATIOFf (in progrOBS)                        1,12,358, 0, 3
         CUOTOiU UKCTIUty
          Customs Sheds                          1,6      •  9r 6
          Customs Shod Office                             •    3
          Customs Jotty       (Contract)          2,      •  h *
          lvoolaimod Lund Plor                        e2Q0U!». -    5,48,911.12, 2
         i ,XT- NO ION ft ADDITIONS OLD PALACE                        I/O,046,13, 7
         HHITIHH STAFF OUARTEKfl                                      S3,313.    5
                               (Contract)                           1|79,803. 9. 6
         HYDE PABK GAHDBN \ CQFFflB flipP                           2I39,289.    8
          VARIOUS ITKMS}

          Town Water Drains, Car Parks Manama
           Goa Hoad, Taxi Park Muharraq, Publto
           Latrines, Meat Market Muharraq, Extension
           Transport Workshop, Reclamation of Land
           oto,, oto,                                               3.36,995,13,
         HEW ROAiXj fk PAVEMENTS                                    3,88.910, l.
                                                              Ha. 68,30,188,11.
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