Page 304 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 304
694 Records of Bahrain
Uo,///*- Mvioox'citO|
Bahrain »
Poroion Gulf,
Hoy G,
01r Ch&rloo
«w2Wau‘aSSu«. of Bohralnf
Pore!on Gulf*
To i
ller Britannic Hajeaty^o Political Agont,
131 r,
I have tho honour to cincloao ft copy of tho budgot
for tho Bahrein otatc for tho yoay 1955 together with
dtntomonta of rovonua and expenditure for 195*+,
2. Until till o yocr thQ bUdgelo end tlio ooQourvto have
followed to ilojlru Calendar vliioh hao frequently onuood
dllTloultlofi, Ulo llighneao had now opprovod of tlio
budget cuid tlio govonmont aocounto bolng baeod on tlio Oclcndor although for tlio tlrio being ho
otlpulo.tod that all monthly color loo ehould bo paid
uoaordl:.,' to tlio HoJIra Calendar, tho lunar month,
It lo hoped that at tlio end of this year it may bo
poooiblo to adopt the Qregorlau Colander for iai
purpoooo, vhon this change lo mode it will outidl some
cidjuotaaont,' pousll&y In leave, aa a componoatiori for
trio lose of about ten dpyo pay a yonr by poroona on
Monthly pay which would roault from tho ohongo ovor
froi.i tho llajira to tho Orogorlan Calondar, Owing to tlio
adoption of thin now oyota-i It hoc not boon pocoiblo to
ohou a a trio t comporiaon botwoon actual rovonuo wu1
oxpondl turo In 1953 end 19^ but a comporioon can bo
mado botwon 19$* and 1372 Hojiro, Bio your 137a ondod
on Ooptcinbor 10th 1953*