Page 303 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 303
Economic and financial affairs 693
~ 3 •*
receipt. in 1964 of poymento on aooount of 1052
and 1963 under the Income Tox agreement. In 1066
it is oxpoctod that payments to the Privy Puree will
amount to Rs. 13#400f0QQ or roughly £1. million sterling.
Inevitably the payment, of such sums to the Puling
Family will continue to be the subjeot of criticism
locally, and it is no doubt due to hie awareness of
Uils fact that the Ruler has donated a quarter of a
million rupees to education, health ond public
protection. Other members of A1 Khalifa apparently
ore impervious t.o the promptings of conscience.
4. Agriculture feros badly in t.ho budget. In 1964
only Rs. 161,325 wan spent, upon it and only Rs. 100,000
is provided for 1955, Yet, judging by the progross
made at the Bahrain Government Experimental Farm at
bnduiyu during the past two years, it seems reasonable
t.o suppose that the agricultural possibilities of
jiUiruin aro not being fully exploredJor oxploitod.
I havo tho honour to be,
Your Excellency’s obedient Servant,
(J. E. R. Little)