Page 307 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 307

Economic and financial affairs             697

             who ura raovlng their lnetnllntiona out into tha country,
             oml 3^ lfthho for Police buildlngo,. In addition to tUo

             capital oxpondl tui’O on oohoolu and hoopitelu roaim'cnt
             oxpondituro on nodal porvice0| Education, Public Health
             wxd Public JJoourity has oloo lnqpooaod conaldornbly*
             Anothor 7 lolcho ia rq<j,uiw>d to provide for the expcnolon
             of education, now aohoolo Which have boon oponod and

             othere which will bo opened during tho yoar nocoaaitata
             m allotmont of lolcho for Education, There ia an
             increase of 9 lalcho for Publia Ityolth to prpvido for
             additional nodical otciff pood ascpnnalou of nodical oervlooot
             Tho Public Ooourity budget hao boon ruined by 6J laUlio to
             caiow an inoroano in tlio otrongth of tho Polioo foroo
             and all oUiui* aoportiaonto of tho Government oost iroro

             then tlioy did in tho provioua year owing to oy.pwioion
             m<\ tho norwol incremental iucroanoo in nolorion,

             7,   i\ otatGfiioat ia enclosed whioh shows, without groat
             dotall, tlio approximate) poroontegoa of tho Stated
             expenditure on tfooiol and Public Services,  In thio

             abatement tho one third of the oil revenue hr.a Ixjon
             excluded ir««t tho amount to ho invested lira boon included
             From tills iu con bo soon that tho Qovorraumt crri rocaouubly
             Girin that about 65# of tho total expenditure 1:; devoted
             to public and social corvioos*

             0,   At tho time vhon tho budget was auU/iittod to tho
             lluLor IIis Hldimooo Shaildi Salmon decided to contribute
             tha following mu.iu from liio Privy Puroo to tho dopertmonta
             roforrad to bQlovf-
                          Education, 10 laid is

                          Public Hoalth, 10 lakhs
                          Public Protection, 5 lakha*
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