Page 305 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 305

Economic and financial affairs             695

             3« Itarvomio,       ;
                  alio totol revoke in lVffy vns 667 lakhst tiu>
                           1 ■   , .    : J V'■: t ..
             oafctrmtod total’ revenue         XafchU (000 Inst year’s

             Annuol PoportK                       fy* on va* VkS
             Idkho «md tha dwfcjr                ***    *****i «»•
             onttmntos vor* foj? &Q tottujr*&6 pflj lclths.  ffha erubotaiv-
             tial  lncrooBo to            Is* was quo  ta largo payments
             holn« roqoivad                  AOWntanoo >4th ta»o Inooma

             Tox /.grooKiont, oa        ftf t*9 y«W« 1952 end 1953.
                                 ( . . * ‘ . .*1,1 «••;•! •
             Customs duties        w»unt|M to 3X$Jr lokhs which wno ono
                                        • 1 , *«/ ;   1
             lolcUg more thaa the ooUaq^g^a 44 previous yoor*
             latorst from tho ROearvo Pu&Vty SitllOh is now tho third
             largest souroa of royonuo| wo# Xakhn, 7 lakhs iuox*o them
             In 1372, tlilo woo duo to further additions to tlxo Reserve
             Fund by investment* Othor sources of revenue produced

             about tho seme lnoomo os In tho previous year*

             b,   Expend! turO| 195^#
                   Expenditure In 195H vas very muoh lii^hor them In 1372,
             it amounted to 369J lakhs no asalnct {IUOJj lakhs in 1372,
             Of till0 inox’omiQ in expenditure 9'J lakhs moro than in tho

             provlouo your was tho ono third of tho oil revenue paid to
              tho Privy ipuro©, Excluding poymonta to tho Privy Pur no
              tho amount spent on tfoolnl tiorvlooc, Puhlio Works and
              administration wno 190 lakhs* Uxo ltoaorvo Fund was
             lnorou30d during tho year by 139& lfiWia, It lino boon tho
              polloy of tho Government for many yews to odd what it otn

              to tho Reserve Fund oooh yocr in order to increase tho
              income from that aouroo^wlth a view to tho time whoa tho
              oil rovanuo begins to diminish* The Government caoo
              expand a largo sums on major public works vhloh will
              ovontually prodUq# rtvenxiO) such oa tho aloe trio and water
              Bahama^ bio ok 3 oJf' flats for lotting and other buildings

             \rtiich bring in ravnnuo, In %9*A tho cost of now public
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