Page 318 - Records of Bahrain (7) (ii)_Neat
P. 318
708 Records of Bahrain
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Imports Re-exports
March £1,053,035 £749,020
(£446,945 rrom U.K.) (£211,035 to Snudi Arabia)
April £1,076,020 £606,665
(£601,135 from U,K.) (£293,500 to Saudi Arabia)
May £2,070,175 £790,740
(£554,590 from U.K.) (£430,155 to Saudi Arubia)
12, During the first five months of the year imports totalled
£9,057,305 (£2,617,735 from United Kingdom) compared with
£7,012,665 (£2,063,395 from United Kingdom) during the same
period in 1959•
13. Re-exports during this period were worth £3,226,615
(£1,735,300 to Snudi Arabia) compared with £3,110,000 (£1,080,100
to Saudi Arabia during January to May, 1959*
14. During the quarter under review 206 vessels called nt Bahrain
and unloaded a total of 69,206 tons of curgo. 69 of the vessels
were British, I
15* Mr, R.A. Bevnn of the Advisory Council on Middle East Trade
(accompanied by Mrs, Bevarg visited Bahrain from April 15 to 17»
16. Y/lth the onset of the hot weather the number of business
visitors began to fall off , only 47lvisiting the Commercial
Secretariat of the politic il Residency and the Commercial Office
of the Political Agency du 'ing the Quarter, Visitors included
the Canadian Commercial Se' sretary from Beirut and the Australian
Trade Commissioner from Ka •nchi. t
Petroleum !
17. BAPC0 began constructional v/orlc on a "wild-cat" off-shore
drilling site to the northiof Bahrain,