Page 243 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
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   these hole mouths is often darkened by reduced firing techniques. It is not a
   particularly useful pottery form for temporal identification, but provides a more
   accurate idea of the pre-Barbar assemblage. Other forms should be viewed against
   this background.
   Short-necked Vessels
   By far the most useful forms in this category are shown in Figure 42. Vessel 42b,
   for example, is a recognizable form present in levels IVB and IVC at Tepe Yahya
   (ca. 3200-2400 B.C. in Lamberg-Karlovsky 1973, Lamberg-Karlovsky and Tosi 1973,
   and Potts 1975). At QalaTat al-Bahrain it occurs with an everted and slightly
   overturned rim. Plastic, meandering ridges are the common motif. The paste is
   sand-tempered and light orange in color. This form is also common to the
   overlying Barbar I levels. In neither assemblage, however, does it exceed 2 percent
   of the total collection. In addition to parallels in Iran where these rims are
   Akkadian, the most noted occurrence of vessel 42b is on the island of Urn m an-Nar
   along the Trucial Coast (Bibby 1971:271).
             Another distintive form is illustrated in Figure 42g. This jar also shows
   an everted rim, but the ware is buff colored with a sand temper. TTiis rim is
   associated with Akkadian levels at Nippur (McCown and Haines 1967) and Susa
   (Steve and Gasche 1971, Plate 12, no. 3). Similar rims are also reported from Umm
   an-Nar (Karen Frifelt, personal communication). Figure 42c has its greatest
   similarity with the triple-grooved rims of the Akkadian and Ur in periods (Adams
   1965, Gibson 1972). Although not identical, the Mesopotamian form appears to have

   Fig. 43. Pre-Barbar Plain and Painted Wares.

   a.   A520, Level 25; buff slip on fine sand tempered light brown ware.
   b.   A520, Level 27; cream slip on light brown ware.
   c.   A520, Level 27; buff ware.
   d.   A520, Level 26; fine orange ware.
   e.   A520, Level 26; fine orange ware.
    f.   A520, Level 28; fine orange ware.
   g-   A520, Level 29; dark red or black paint on fine orange ware; core is gray.
   n. A520, Level 27; black paint on fine orange ware.
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