Page 245 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 245


    some  relationship here. Buff ware jar 42b has been recently reported by Hastings,
    Humphries, and Meadow (1975) from third-millennium B.C. surface collections in
    Oman. Similarly, jar 42e is also a common form at Umm an-Nar (Karen Frifelt,
    personal communication) and at Tepe Yahya in the IYB and IVC levels (Potts, 1975,
    Lamberg-Karlovsky and Tosi 1973).
    Plain and Painted Pottery

    Pre-Barbar painted pottery is characterized by dark red or black horizontal bands
    framing meandering lines (see figs. 43g and 43h). A criss cross pattern is also
    present (fig. 43h). In all cases observed, the vessels were made of a fine orange
    paste. In a few cases, the characteristic "Barbar ware” temper was noted. While a
    striking addition to the collection, these painted wares do not exceed 1 percent of
    the total collection for these levels. Related fine orange ware rims are shown by
    vessels 43d, 43e, and 43f. All of these have parallels at Umm an-Nar and are
    placed in the early to late third millennium B.C. range (Frifelt 1975, Tosi 1976).
    Vessels 43a, 43b, and 43c are not well known. These are buff-ware jars with

    Fig. 44. Miscellaneous Pre-Barbar Wares.

    a.  A520, Level 28; sand-tempered Barbar ware.
    b.  A520, Level 28; sand-tempered red ware with dark gray exterior.
    c.   A520, Level 26; buff ware with light brown core.
    d.  A520, Level 26; buff ware with light brown core.
    e.  A520, Level 28; fine light orange ware.
    f.   A520, Level 28; sand-tempered light orange ware.
    g.  A520, Level 28; sand-tempered buff ware.
    h.  A520, Level 28; sand-tempered buff ware.
    i.   A520, Level 28; sand-tempered buff ware.
    j.   A520, Level 26; sand-tempered buff ware.
    k.  A520, Level 26; sand-tempered buff ware.
    L A520, Level 26; sand-tempered Barbar ware.
    m.  A520, Level 26; sand-tempered gray-buff ware.
    n.  A520, Level 26; fine orange ware.
    o.  A520, Level 26; sand-tempered buff ware.
    p.  A520, Level 29; fine light orange ware.
    q.  A520, Level 28; sand-tempered buff ware.
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