Page 249 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 249


    generally higher frequency is noted. Figures 45a, 45c, and 50a-d show a later rim
     form with a "triangular" cross section. TTiis rim makes its first appearance in
    levels 23 and 24 with less than 1 percent of the assemblage. In the upper Barbar II
     levels, the triangular rim makes up 6-11 percent of the total sample. Absence of
     this rim below level 21 reflects an earlier date for the plain rim.
              Other parallels can be seen between the pre-Barbar and Barbar I pottery
     noted for Figures 42 and 46. Rim form 46e, for example, is reported from Oman by
     Hastings, Humphries, and Meadow (1975, fig. 12a). Additional parallels with Omani
     surface collections are found with Figure 46m and their Figure 13w, and with
     Figure 46n here and their Figure 45v. The perforated bowl, Figure 44h is also
     useful as an indicator. Forms similar to this have been published as late Akkadian
     in the Diyala (Delougaz 1952, Plate 47 no. B.j041.200) and at Susa (Steve and Gasche
     1971, Plate 164 no. Co31.00), but this form also occurs later in time (M. Gibson,
     personal communication).

     Fig. 45. Barbar I Plain and Incised Wares

     a.   A520, Level 23; Barbar ware.
     b.   A520, Level 22; Barbar ware.
     c.   A520, Level 22; Barbar ware.
     d.   A520, Level 23; Barbar ware.
     e.   A520, Level 22; fine sand-tempered, buff ware.
     f.   A520, Level 23; cream-slipped interior, pink-slipped exterior over
         cream slip; light brown to buff ware.
     g.  A520, Level 24; buff ware.
     h.   A520, Level 24; fine sand tempered, buff ware.
     i.   A520, Level 22; fine sand-tempered, buff ware.
     j.   A520, Level 23; buff ware.
     k.   A520, Level 24; buff ware.
     l.   A520, Level 24; cream slip on light orange ware.
     m.  A520, Level 25; buff slip on sand tempered, light orange ware.
     n.   A520, Level 23; buff ware.
     o.   A520, ATX; buff slip on fine sand and straw-tempered light orange ware.
     p.  A520, Level 24; buff ware.
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