Page 255 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 255
Certain parallels among ceramic forms occur between Bahrain and Oman and
eastern Arabia. The first of these is with Saudi Arabian site 208-38. Vessels 46h,
47j-k, and 47m-n are similar in form and ware to sherds from surface collections
from this site (McGuire Gibson, personal communication). These occur below level
22 and are referred to as "Arabian” hole-mouths, but make up less than 1 percent
of the Barbar I collection. In the pre-Barbar levels, they are about the same
frequency. Omani parallels are found with the Hastings, Humphries, and Meadow
(1975) surface collections. Figures 48j and 49n are similar to their Figure 17d, while
Figure 49h here is much like their Figure 20p. The Omani collections are simply
grouped as third millennium B.C occupations, however.
On the basis of pottery form and decoration, the Barbar I levels at Qala'at
al-Bahrain group in a late Akkadian-Ur HI time range (ca. 2200-2000 B.C.). There
appears to have been a trade relationship among Mesopotamia, Bahrain, Umm
an-Nar, and Oman at this time. There are no definite forms that show as imports
from the Indus Valley, although painted designs 45f-h are reminiscent of Ranjapur
HA ca. 2000-1500 B.C. (Rao 1963b). Although a variety of pottery forms continue
from Barbar I into the Barbar n levels, a distinct break in the ceramic sequence
occurs with level 22. This is also the approximate base of the first city wall, thus a
change in cultural orientation may be indicated.
Fig. 48. Barbar I Cooking Wares.
a. A520, Level 24; Barbar ware.
b. A520, Level 20; Barbar ware.
c. A520, Level 24; Barbar ware.
d. A520, Level 24; Barbar ware.
e. A520, Level 24; black surface on sand-tempered brown core.
f. A520, Level 24; dark gray surface on sand-tempered dark red core.
g- A520, Level 25; Barbar ware.
h. A520, Level 25; black surface on sand-tempered, dark red ware
with white grits.
*• A520, Level 25; black surface on sand-tempered dark red ware with
white grits.
A520, Level 25; black surface on sand-tempered dark red ware with
white grits.
k. A520, Level 25; black surface on sand-tempered dark red ware with
white grits.
1. A520, Level 24; Barbar ware.