Page 267 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
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   Ur III at Susa (Steve and Gasche 1971, Plate 2, no. 34) and is used as an Ur m-
   Isin-Larsa marker by Adams (1965) and Gibson (1972). Delougaz (1952), however,
   shows similar forms as Akkadian through Isin-Larsa in the Diyala basin. Only one
   example of this bowl was found in the sounding. This came from level 21. Bases
   51e and 51g are often observed in the Barbar n levels. Both are bases for red,
   ridged vessels. The black on red painted vessel 51j is rare here, but is similar to
   third-millennium pottery from Oman (Hastings, Humphries, and Meadow, 1975).


   On the basis of only the very few parallel Mesopotamian pottery forms, the Barbar
   II levels at Qala’at al-Bahrain would be difficult to place in time. Similarity with
   certain vessels at Susa and in the Diyala basin do little more than suggest an
   Isin-Larsa range (2050-1800 B.C.). Tne extremely few pottery parallels with the
   Indus Valley are also untrustworthy, although a much later date (2000-1500 B.C.) is
   suggested. This is far shorter than the 3000 to 2000 B.C. range originally suggested
   by During Caspers (1972b,c) on the basis of grave goods. She claims that Barbar
   pottery occurs in six graves at the royal cemetery at Ur, in the A cemetery at

   Figure 53: Miscellaneous Barbar n Wares

   a.  A520, Level 21; fine light orange ware.
   b.  A520, Level 21; fine sand-tempered, buff ware.
   c.   A520, Level 21; buff ware.
   d.   A520, Level 21; Barbar ware.
   e.   A520, Level 18; Barbar ware.
   f.   A520, Level 20; fine buff ware.
   g.  A520, Level 17; Barbar ware.
   h.  A520, Level 18; sand-tempered, light brown ware.
   i.   A520, Level 18; Barbar ware.
   j.   A520, Level 18; black paint on orange slip; fine sand-tempered red-brown ware.
   k.  A520, Level 19; sand-tempered light brown ware.
   L A520, Level 19; sand-tempered light orange ware with light gray core.
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