Page 283 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 283
Glazcd Ware
Gray-white, crackled glaze on buff ware was noted by Bibby as an indicator of his
Hellenistic levels (Bibby 1969, 1971). Figure 55 shows this glazed ware to be
confined to levels K2 through K^. TTie former level contains Sasanian pottery
mixed with forms from the underlying Achaemenid-Seleucid-Parthian levels. It
would appear on this basis that the gray-white, crackled glazes may provide help in
limiting the Achaemenid-Seleucid-Parthian portion of the assemblage. TTiis glaze
is not confined to a single vessel form. Such diversity is shown in Figure 59a, e, h,
and i. More help is given by the bowl 59h, which is classified as a bowl with "down-
turned" rims in Figure 55. This rim form is shown to have the same range as the
gray-white, crackled glaze. M. Gibson (personal communication) suggests that
these rims are Parthian.
Another glazed bowl that appears to be confined to the Achaemenid-
Seleucid-Parthian levels is shown by Figures 591-n. Each of these has a gray-white
glaze, but the color grades to green at the rims. TTiese same bowls are reported by
Gibson to mark the Seleucid levels at Nippur but clearly continue into Parthian
times as well. Waage shows the rim forms of 591 and m to be present in the Early
Hellenistic levels at Antioch (Waage 1948, Plate II, nos. 41k and p). A similar rim
occurs at Tbaj, where Bibby has referred to it as his type 4, although the type 4
Fig. 57. Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Pottery.
a. 518.BN, Pit 1, Level 3k; buff slip on light brown ware.
b. 518.X, Pit 1, Level VI; sand-tempered red ware.
c. 518.BO, Profile, Level K«; buff slip on sand-tempered red ware.
d. 518.R, Pit 1, Level 3h; buif slip on light brown ware.
e. 518.BP, Profile, Level K.; buff slip on light brown ware.
f. 518.Q, Pit 1, Level 3h; buff slip on light brown ware.
g. 518.Q, Pit 1, Level 3h; sand-tempered, buff ware.
h. 518.Q, Pit 1, Level 3h; sand-tempered, buff ware.
i. 518.Q, Pit 1, Level 3h; buff slip on sand and straw-tempered red-brown ware.
j. 518.BV, Profile, Rammer I; red interior slip on sand-tempered red
ware with Barbar grits.
k. 518.Q, Pit 1, Level 3h; sand-tempered light red ware with Barbar grits.