Page 299 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 299


         Cream Ware Bowls
         Two cream or bisquit-colored bowls are shown in Figures 63a and 64g. Each has a
         thickened rim and prominent horizontal incisions around the body of the vessel.
         Although this form is not cited by Adams for either the Diyala or Tell Abu Sarifa,
         it appears as a member of Whitcomb's Early Islamic assemblage at Hofuf
         (Whitcomb 1978, Plate I, nos. 2 and 3).
         Green-glazed Oil Lamps
         Figure 63b illustrates an example of glazed oil lamps in the collection from Barbar.
         Like so many of the green-glazed wares on Bahrain, these lamps are of buff ware.
         Similar forms are found at Sammarra (Sarre 1925).

         Lustre Ware

         Thin buff ware bowls with gently everted rims are found in the collection. These
         have olive brown designs on a grayish-white glaze. Figure 63i shows an example
         from Barbar. Adams (1965) describes similar glazes as lustre wares of the
         Sammarran period. Examples are also cited by Hobson (1932, Figure 10) and

         Figure 64: Early and Medieval Islamic Pottery

         a.   518.BI, Profile, Level F; sand-tempered, buff ware.
         b.  518.K, Pit 1, Level 3b; sand-temperd, buff ware.
         c.  518.1, Pit 1, Level m5; green glaze on brittle buff ware.
         d.   518.BI, Profile, Level F; sand-tempered, buff ware.
         e.  518.BI, Profile, Level F; green glaze on sand-tempered, buff ware.
         f.   518.1, Pit 1, Level m5; green glaze on hard buff ware.
         g.  Barbar well; fine cream ware.
         h.  Barbar well; sand-tempered, light gray ware.
         i.   Barbar well; brown design on light gray glaze; fine sand-tempered,
             buff ware (weathered luster ware?).
         j.   Barbar well; light gray glazed interior and dark gray exterior on fine
             sand-tempered, cream ware.
         k.  Barbar well; yellow and green splashed glaze over incised, fine
             sand-tempered, buff ware.
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