Page 303 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 303
The Middle Islamic Period (A.D. 1055-1500)
Stratigraphic control of the Islamic ceramic collection improves with the medieval
period. This is shown in Figure 55, where eleventh-through sixteenth-century
forms are defined more clearly. Olive-green imported celadon bowls tentatively
identified as Sung dynasty designs appear in Level G. Tbe same glaze continues to
be present throughout the remainder of the sequence; however, subtle differences
in forms appear, as do changes in decoration. Figure 65a, for example, shows
gadroons or fluting on the interior of a celadon bowl from Level F. This is in
keeping with Sung dynasty designs discussed by Treager (1966:24). Similarly,
celadon ware bases (Figure 65b, c) from Levels E and F show red oxidized rings
where glaze has been wiped away prior to firing. Figure 65b also shows an incised
floral design on the interior of the bowl, another common Sung feature (Treager
1966:20-25). With this knowlege, it is possible to relate the lower Islamic levels of
the sounding to the medieval period. Levels C through H have been assigned to this
range. Blue and white decorated Ming dynasty porcelain is found in Level B, where
it furnishes a fifteenth-century time marker (Treager 1966, Lane 1957). This allows
Levels C through H to be identified as fourteenth- through twelfth-century.
Figure 65: Medieval Islamic Plain and Glazed Wares
a. 518.BI, Profile, Level F; gray-green celadon glaze on light gray porcelain.
b. 518.BH, Profile, Level E; gray-green celadon glaze on light gray porcelain;
red oxidized ring base; flower design on interior.
c. 518.BI, Profile, Level F; gray-green celadon glaze on light gray porcelain.
d. 518.1, Pit 1, Level 111-; weathered glaze on buff ware.
e. 518.1, Pit 1, Level 111?; black design on white interior; yellow-buff ware.
f. 518.BH, Profile, Level E; dark gray interior glaze, ware not noted.
g. 518.BI, Profile, Level F; black design on white interior; buff ware.
h. 518.K, Pit 1, Level m5; weathered glaze on brittle buff ware.
i. 518.1, Pit 1, Level III-; green glaze on buff ware.
j. 518.1, Pit 1, Level HI?; weathered glaze on buff ware.
k. 518.BK, Profile, Level H; light gray to buff slip on fine, buff ware.
l. 518.U, Pit IN, Level III; fine, buff ware.