Page 319 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 319
Appendix II
List of Archeological Sites
This catalog is a compilation of three records of site survey on Bahrain. It
combines the records of the Danish and British expeditions to Bahrain with those of
my own. Thus, it provides a list of archeological sites discovered between 1953 and
1976 and preserves a record of the locations of sites now destroyed by rapid
development. The Danish record was compiled during a period of study at the
Moesgaard Museum in 1976. The British expedition’s site information was contained
in a report by McNicoll and Roaf (n.d.). Site numbers with more detailed
descriptions were furnished later by Roaf.
Diagnostic potsherds and other artifacts were examined, measured and
drawn for the Danish collection and my own. The ranges of occupation for each
site were chosen based upon a comparison of these artifacts with those stratified
ceramics presented in the ceramic analysis in Appendix I. The occupation ranges
of the sites recorded by the British expedition were those adopted by McNicoll and
Roaf (n.d.) and based upon their analysis of the diagnostic pottery.
Archeological sites are recorded in a format similar to that used by Wright
(1981). The locations are shown, where possible, on Figure 7 of the preceding text.
Site numbers on individual tombs are grouped by areas for ease of presentation.
Sites are presented consecutively in the catalog, followed by the nearest named
location. The respective catalog numbers for the Danish, British, and my own
survey follow parenthetically, i.e. (225), (2047), (JG-1). These are followed, in turn,
by the occupation ranges for each site, The absence of a number within
parentheses indicates that a site does not appear in that expedition’s catalog.
Multiple recording of sites can be easily identified by the multiple site numbers.