Page 324 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 324


                       99. Jebel ad-Dukhan, (507), ( ),          111.  Qala’at al-Bahrain, (519),
                            ( ); non diagnostic flint                 (  ), ( ); Neo-Assyrian
                                                                      "palace" excavation. The
                                                                      range is Barbar through Late
                      100.  Southwest coastal plain, (508),           Islamic periods, but excluding
                            (   ), (   ); non diagnostic              an Early Islamic record.
                            flint site.
                                                                 112.  Qala’at al-Bahrain, north
                      101.   Southwest coastal plain, (509),          wall excavation, (520),
                            (   ), (   ), non diagnostic              (  ), ( ); pre Barbar
                            flint site.                               (Akkadian) through the Late
                                                                      Islamic period, but excluding
                      102.  Southwest coastal plain, (510),           Early Islamic evidence.
                            (   ), (   ); Group D flint
                            site.                                113.  Qala’at al-Bahrain, (521),
                                                                      (   ), (   ); general surface
                      103. Southwest coastal plain, (511),            collection from the area.
                            (   ), (   ); Group D flint
                            site.                                114.  Al-Hajjar tomb, (522), (  ),
                                                                      (  ); no collection available,
                      104. Ras al-Jazayir, (512), (2015),             but assumed range is Kassite
                            (   ); Barbar II shell midden.            through Parthian based on
                                                                      Tarawneh (n.d.).
                      105.  Sar tombs, (513), (   ), (   );
                            no collection available for          115.  Al-Hajjar tomb, (523), (  ),
                            study, probably Barbar n.                 (  ); no collection available,
                                                                      but assumed range is Kassite
                      106.  Sar tombs, (514), (   ), (   );           through Parthian based on
                            no collection available for               Tarawneh (n.d.).
                            study, probably Barbar n.
                                                                 116.  Al-Hajjar tomb, (524), (  ),
                      107.  Sar tombs, (515), (   ), (   );           (   ); no collection available,
                            no collection available for               but assumed range is Kassite
                            study, probably Barbar n.                 through Parthian based on
                                                                      Tarawneh (n.d.).
                      108.  Diraz, (516), (   ), (   );
                            Barbar II, and 13th-16th             117.  Diraz-east, (525), (2042?),
                            century A.D. Islamic.                     (   ); non diagnostic flint,
                                                                      ’Ubaid, and Barbar n artifacts
                      109.  Barbar Temple, (517), (2052),             in collection.
                            (   ); Barbar I and n, as
                            well as Early Islamic period         118.  Northwest coastal plain, (526),
                           ceramics from an infilled well.            (  ), (   ); Barbar n.

                      110. Qala’at al-Bahrain, (518),            U9.  Southwest coastal plain, (548),
                           (   ), (   ); sounding through             (  ), (   ); non diagnostic
                           floor of Portuguese fort.                  flint collection.
                           CoUection contains Neo-Babylonian
                           through Late Islamic periods but,
                           lacks an Early Islamic record.
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