Page 329 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 329
212. Barbar area, ( ), (2019), 226. Yateem estate, ( ),
(JG-l)j Barbar II and 9th-17th ( ), (YT-1); 9th-10th
centuries A.D. centuries A.D.
213. Sadad (east), ( ), ( ), 227. Zellaq road, (488), ( ),
(JH-1); 13th-16th centuries A.D. (SS-2); Late Islamic ceramics.
214. Buri, ( ), ( ), (BU-l); 228. Tubli, ( ), ( ),
Barbar II occupation site. (TU-1); 14th century A.D.
through modern occupations.
215. Barbar (south), ( ), ( ),
(TG-1); Barbar II and 9th-13th 229. Rifa'a (west), ( ), ( ),
centuries A.D. (RW-1); large non diagnostic
flints recovered from terrace
216. Malichiya (east), ( ), ( ), surface.
(M-6); 15th-17th centuries A.D.
230. Sadad (north), ( ), ( ),
217. Khadra, ( ), ( ), (KH-1); (J—12); Late Islamic ceramics.
Barbar n, Neo-Babylonian, and
15th-17th centuries A.D. 231. Ali (west), ( ), ( ),
(A-l); 14th-17th centuries
218. Jabulat Habshi, ( ), ( ), A.D.
(SH-2); medieval through Late
Islamic occupations. 232. Al-Wasmiyah, (505), (2053),
(WS-1); Barbar II and medieval
219. Karzakhan (east), ( ), ( ), Islamic occupations.
(K-l); non specific Islamic
collection. 233. Ain Sakhara, (492), ( ),
(AS-1), Barbar n, and medieval
220. Sar (north), ( ), ( ), through modern settlement
(SR-n); late Abbasid through 13th associated with spring.
century A.D. occupations.
22L Nuwaidrat, ( ), ( ), (SH-1);
15th-16th centuries A.D.
222. Dar Chulaib, ( ), ( ),
(DC-1); 15th century A.D. through
modern occupations.
223. Shaharakan, ( ), ( ), (SHN-1);
14th-17th centuries A.D.
224. Qala’at al-Bahrain (south), ( ),
( ), (PP-1); 16th-18th centuries
225. Karzakhan, ( ), ( ), (K-2);
late Abbasid through 14th century
A.D. occupations.