Page 328 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 328
190. Southwest coastal plain, 202. Al-Magsha, ( ), (2067),
( ), (2055), ( ); ( ); evidence for Barbar,
evidence for 14th-15th century Kassite, and Hellenistic
A.D. occupations. periods in nearby graves.
191. Southwest coastal plain, 203. Barbar village, ( ),
( ), (2056), ( ); (2068), ( ); evidence for
non diagnostic flint site. Barbar, Kassite, Hellenistic,
and Islamic occupation.
192. Southwest coastal plain,
( ), (2057), ( ); 204. Al-Magsha, ( ), (2069),
no data. ( ); Hellenistic and 18th
century A.D. Islamic.
193. Southwest coastal plain,
( ), (2058), ( ); 205. Southwest coastal plain,
medieval Islamic occupation. ( ), (2070), ( );
Group D flint site.
194. Location uncertain, ( ),
(2059), ( ); medieval 206. Southwest coastal plain,
Islamic occupation. ( ), (2071), ( );
evidence for possible
195. Location unknown, ( ), 'Ubaid and certain Barbar
(2060), ( ); no data. period occupation.
196. Southwest coastal plain, 207. Southwest coastal plain,
( ), (2061), ( ); ( ), (2072), ( );
Barbar period, medieval, and site considered to be
Late Islamic evidence. post-TJbaid Neolithic by
McNicoll and Roaf (n.d.)
197. Southwest coastal plain,
( ), (2062), ( ); 208. Ali (east), (226), (2073),
Barbar period, medieval, and ( ); Barbar period and
Late Islamic evidence. Early Islamic occupations
with Neo-Babylonian and
198. Karzakhan (east), ( ), Hellenistic burials.
(2063), ( ); Late Islamic
occupation. 209. Sadad village, ( ),
( ), (SD-1); 14th-15th
199. Qala'at al-Bahrain, ( ), centuries A.D. through
(2064), ( ); no data. modern occupations.
200. RukaTa (east), ( ), (2065), 210. Diraz (south), ( ),
( ); non specific Islamic ( ), (AL-1); 12th-15th
occupation. centuries A.D. through
modern occupations.
20L Mattala (north), ( ), (2066),
( ); no data. 211. Hilat village, ( ),
( ), (H-l); 14th-17th
centuries A.D.