Page 327 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 327
167. Al-Markh, ( ), (2027), ( ); 179. Abu Saibeh, ( ), (2039),
Late Ribald occupation cited in ( ); late medieval through
Roaf (1976). modern occupation.
168. Makaba (northwest), ( ), 180. Location unknown, ( ),
(2028), ( ); site contains (2040), ( ); no data.
evidence of Barbar period,
medieval, and Late Islamic 181. Jid al-Hajj, ( ), (2041),
occupations. ( ); medieval through
Late Islamic occupation.
169. Sar (south 2), ( ), (2029),
( ); site shows evidence of 182. Diraz (east), ( ), (2042),
Early through Late Islamic ( ); site has a Barbar n
occupations. phase temple structure with
intrusive Kassite burials.
170. Khuwais (north 1), ( ),
(2030), ( ); medieval 183. Ha war islands, ( ),
Islamic ocupation. (2043-46), ( ); various
sites show non diagnostic
171. Khuwais (north 2), ( ), flints, and 17th-18th
(2031), ( ); site shows century A.D. Islamic use.
evidence of Barbar n, medieval,
and Late Islamic occupation. 184. Ain Umm Ijaiyi, ( ),
(2047), ( ); non diagnostic
172. Buri (northeast), ( ), (2032), flint and possible RJbaid
( ); Late Islamic site. evidence.
173. Khuwais (southwest), ( ), 185. Malchiya (east), ( ),
(2033), ( ); no data. (2048), ( ); recorded as
an undated canal.
174. Khuwais, ( ), (2034), ( );
15th-17th century A.D. 186. Location unknown, ( ),
Islamic occupations. (2049), ( ); no data.
175. Dumistan, ( ), (2035), ( ); 187. Location unknown, ( ),
late medieval through Late (2050), ( ); no data.
Islamic occupation of site.
188. Al-Wasmiyah, (505), (2053),
176. "Tree of Life” (Hafira), (573), (WS-1); Barbar n and medieval
(2036), ( ); late medieval occupations, covered by modern
through Late Islamic occupation. rubbish dump.
177. Sar (north), ( ), (2037), 189. Southwest coastal plain,
( ); 12th century A.D. ( ), (2054), ( );
occupation. Barbar n ceramics and
ruins of probable medieval
178. Sar (west), ( ), (2038), and Late Islamic mosque.
( ); Barbar period mounds.