Page 325 - Life & Land Use on the Bahrain Islands (Curtis E Larsen)
P. 325
120. Location unknown, (549), 132. Southwest coastal plain, (972),
( ), ( ); non diagnostic ( ), ( ); non diagnostic
flints and Barbar II ceramics, flint, Barbar I (?) and n.
probably located near 548.
133. Southwest coastal plain, (973),
121. Northwest coastal plain, (550), ( ), ( ); Group D flint
( ), ( ); contains Barbar site.
II and Late Islamic ceramics.
134. Southwest coastal plain, (974),
122. North coastal plain, (551), ( ), ( ); non diagnostic
( ), ( ); non diagnostic flint site.
diorite fragments from a tomb
along the Budaiya road. 135. Southwest coastal plain, (975),
( ), ( ); non diagnostic
123. Hafira ('’Tree of Life”), (473), flint site.
(2036), ( ); non diagnostic
flint and 15th-18th century 136. Southwest coastal plain, (976),
ceramics. ( ), ( ); non diagnostic
flint site.
124. Southwest coastal plain, (574),
( ), ( ); non diagnostic 137. Southwest coastal plain, (977),
flint and Barbar n ceramics. ( ), ( ); non diagnostic
flint site.
125. Southwest coastal plain, (575),
( ), ( ); non diagnostic 138. Southwest coastal plain, (978),
flint collection. ( ), ( ); non diagnostic
flints and Barbar II ceramics.
126. Southwest coastal plain, (684),
( ), ( ); Barbar n 139. Southwest coastal plain, (979),
ceramics and serrated flint ( ), ( ); apparantly the
sickle blades. same as site 486.
127. Southwest coastal plain, (685), 140. North coastal plain, (980),
( ), ( ); Group D flint ( ), ( ); steatite
site with 12th-13th century A.D. fragments from tomb along
Islamic ceramics. Budaiya road, 1st millennium
B.C. burials.
128. Umm an-Nassan island, (686),
( ), ( ); 15th-17th 141. Zellaq, (981), ( ), ( );
centuries A.D. Barbar I (?) ceramics.
129. Umm an-Nassan island, (687), 142. North coastal plain, (982),
( ), ( ); 15th-17th ( ), ( ); site identified
centuries A.D. as Zeera’s mound but lacking
further information.
130. Location unknown, (970),
( ), ( ); no data. 143. Buri, (983), ( ), ( );
Barbar n tomb near village.
13L Location unknown, (971),
( ), ( ); no data.