Page 12 - The Tigris Expedition
P. 12
Between pages
1 In a Marsh Arab recd-housc 24 and 25
2 In the marshes of southern Iraq
3 The river banks and floating reed islands of the marshes
4 Old and new cultures meet in the marshes; berdi reeds for
our reed-ship
5 Three stages in the building of Tigris 40 and 41
6-7 Ship building as in the days of the pyramid builders
8 The reed-ship Tigris on the Shatt-al-Arab
9 The Garden of Eden; the river at the building site, where the
two rivers meet 72 and 73
10 Pollution on the river Tigris
11 Entering the gulf at the river’s mouth; adrift among ships of
all nations; steering towards Kuwait
12 A view from the topmast
13 In the shallows of Failaka: the dhows; the Russian lifeboat
gives a tow 104 and 105
14 Towed by Slausk, the Russian merchantman
15 Farewell to Captain Usakowsky, and to Slai/sk
16 The hole ripped in Tigris’ bow
17 Geoffrey Bibby shows a survival from antiquity; the bow of
Tigris is repaired with palm stalks 136 and 137
18 Burial mounds at Bahrain
19 Bahrain: a long-lost port city with walled harbour basin
20 Imported stone at Bahrain - heavy monumental pedestals,
cut blocks of a temple, and walls of a sacred well
21 Prehistoric quarries on Jcdda island 168 and 169
22 Oil platforms and supertankers in the gulf
23 Carlo preparing ropes; the cliffs of the Arabian peninsula
24 Turning into shelter outside the Hormuz Strait; southward
from the Strait
25 The people of Oman 184 and 185
26 A Sumerian mini-ziggurat in Oman?
27 The lost copper mines of legendary Makan
28 Paolo Costa at the prehistoric slag heaps; bundle-boats in
north Oman
29 Sightseeing in a land closed to tourists 200 and 201
30 Rowing a reed-ship away from land
31 Thor I again
32 In the shipping lane