Page 13 - The Tigris Expedition
P. 13

The Tigris Expedition
                                                                      Between pages
                  33    The island of Astola; the limestone cliffs of the Makran coast 216 and 217
                  34    Ashore beside the Ormara peninsula: women hurrying
                        away; houses of mats
                  35    Young and old in Ormara bay
                  36    Mohenjo-Daro, the lost metropolis of the Indus valley
                  37    Mohenjo-Daro: two-storied houses, brick-covered sewers,
                        and a swimming basin                           232 and 233
                  38    A reed-ship incised on a seal; berdi reeds beside the Indus
                  39    Past and present in the Indus Valley
                  40    Norman and Yuri prepare for departure; map studies at the
                        dining table
                  41    Tigris in the Indian Ocean                     248 and 249
                  42-43 Far from land
                  44    The topmast broken after a storm
                  45    Pollution; a red belt in mid-ocean             264 and 265
                  46-47 Tigris still floating high
                  48 At home in the ocean
                  49 Inside the main cabin; around the deck table      280 and 281
                  50-51 The international crew of Tigris
                  52    No lack of sea-food
                  53    Norman on the yardarm; adjusting the sail      296 and 297
                  54    Rowing at sea; remora fish under the bottom
                  55    A dangerous calm
                  56    Waiting for wind; radioing for a landing permit
                  57    Forbidden waters: nearing Socotra; within shooting range 308 and 309
                  58    A birthday photo as the wind fills the sails again
                  59    Into the African war zone - military aeroplanes, helicopters
                        and warships off Djibouti
                  60    Into the final port, Djibouti; a welcome from French war­
                  61    Abandoning ship in Africa: Tigris is prepared for a proud
                        end                                             316 and 317
                  62-63 Farewell to Tigris
                  64   The end of Tigris

                  Front cover picture by Gherman Carrasco. Plates 1 and 6-7 by David Graham. All
                  other photographs by Carlo Mauri and the expedition crew.
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