Page 205 - Neglected Arabia (1911-1915) Vol II
P. 205

No. 91 October, November, December                                1914


                      knewest                                                                             :  .
                      the gift
                      of God"

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                   Neglected Arabia                                                                      • t



                                                              CONTENTS                                     :
                                               CELE3RATE WITH LTS.
                      Twenty - fifth           A Greeting from the Trustees, Db. J. P. Searle            il! I
                                               Pacts that Challenge Faith ... Rev. F. J. Darny            ■1
                        Anniversary            What Mohammed has done to Arabia
                                                                         Rev. John Van Ess                t
                                               Historical Sketch op the Arabian Mission                   .? !
                         Number                                         Rev. J. K. Mosrdyk                  ;
                                               The Keith-Falconer Mission
                                                             Rev. Alexander MacUea, M. D.                 .•S  I
       I                                       Xeglected Mesopotamia...Rev. Percy V. Boyes                9
                                               The Danish Mission      ...Rev Olap Hoyer                  i
                                               What Christ Will Do for Arabia                               V
                                                                     Rev. Dr. S. M. Zwemer
                                               God's Plan for Arabia     Rev. Dirk Dykstra
                                               Doing the Impossible.. Rev. Dr. J. L. Amerman
                                               Outline of a Sermon on Arabia
                                                                  Rev. Dr. T. H. Mackenzie                 •*

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