Page 209 - Neglected Arabia (1911-1915) Vol II
P. 209

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                                           Missionary News and Letters                                      i
                                               Published Quarterly by

                                           THE ARABIAN MISSION

                                               Celebrate With Us                                            I

                        The Arabian Mission has been at work tor twenty-five years.
                        The missionaries will meet (D. V.) in Busrah this November and
                     celebrate their anniversary.
                        Churches and individuals have supported the Mission's work dur­
                     ing a quarter of a century.                                                         !
                        The Mission’s friends have as much reason as the missionaries
                     themselves to celebrate the anniversary.
                        There is reason to celebrate. Missions to Moslems have been
                     established. Arabia is being occupied. The Bible is being widely                       i
                     distributed. Christ is being lifted up. The Mission has increased                    1
                     in numbers, agencies and influence. Its past has been characterized
                     by faithful sowing. Its future promises joyful reaping. Its present
                     requires faith and consecration.
                        The General Synod has appointed the first Sunday in November                     U ::
                     as Foreign Missions Day.                                                             ! IS
                        The congregations will expect a missionary sermon.
                        Tell them about the twenty-five years ot the Arabian Mission.                     ! )
                         Especially fitting will this theme be for those pastors who have
                     never given an address on Arabia to their congregations, and those                  t j
                     who have not done so in the last three years, if they follow the. plan              ii II
                     of presenting one of the church’s mission fields each year.
                        The present number provides material for such an address.
                        Rev. T. H. Mackenzie, D.D., Chairman of the Executive Com­                      t
                     mittee of the Board of Foreign Missions, has kindly consented to                   t :1
                     indicate in advance how he would treat the material.
                         A similar outline will present what our people should know about
                     Arabia and their Mission.
                         Pastors who have made other arrangements for their missionary
                     sermons in November should pass the Quarterly on to the Sunday-
                     school superintendent or the president of the Young People’s or
                     other society for their use that day, or preserve the number tor                   ! ■
                     use later.
                        The Home Secretary. Rev. Dr. E. \V. Miller; will gladly provide                 i •
                     copies of the Arabian Mission Hymn in any quantity for those who                   !
                     NviU make it a special feature of the service. Besides the new pam-
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