Page 217 - Neglected Arabia (1911-1915) Vol II
P. 217

                           Last year Mission's report showed that thousands of Scriptures                   l *
                       were sold, tens of thousand patients treated, hundreds of sermons
                       and discourses delivered to Moslems, hundreds of houses visited and
                       Bible readings held and scores of children taught in schools. But
                       we did not report any conversions. Do you see the challenge of those
                       thousands of copies of God’s Word? All these activities are fruitful                 c
                       in other fields. And we have put our prayers and ourselves into them,
                       too. Our great burden is here, here is the challenge of our faith, and
                       by God’s grace our faith meets it!

                                    What Mohammed has Done to Arabia

                                                 Rev. John Van Ess
                           Mohammed and I are enemies. I do not lay up against him the
                       fact that his birth and life and teachings are the cause of my leaving
                       home and friends and living in a fever-stricken, sun-burned Arabia.
                       All these things even have their brighter side, for I have made new
                        friends, and seen a. great part of the world, and escaped sleet and
                       slush and snow, and perhaps appendicitis and automobile accidents.

                                          TOMB OF SATTTD HASBIM, SHEIKH OTHMAIT

                       And while in that frame of mind I can say something good of Mo-
                       hammed also. Without, for the present, probing very deeply. I can
                       say with benevolent and rather shallow minded delegates to the
                       Religious Peace at any Price Conference that Mohammed taught the
                       unity of Cod. thus throttling idolatry in Arabia, and thus anticipating
                       the "revision of the creed, that he founded a great democracy where
                       prince and pauper kneel to the same carpet, and thus anticipated the
                       evangel of social service, that he raised the status of women and
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