Page 221 - Neglected Arabia (1911-1915) Vol II
P. 221

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                          What, then, has been his influence on the Arab?' He has affected
                      1. The Arab's Accessibility as a Man.                                                i
                          Dynamite unconflned loses its dynamic. Jesus Christ taught that
                      the Kingdom of Heaven is as a leaven or as a seed. We may spread                     \
                      the Bible broadcast, and preach ourselves hoarse, but if the subject
                      of our endeavor is inaccessible, and will not listen or will not think,
                      we also lose much of our dynamic. No short cut will bring us any                     i
                      nearer the consummation, be it Milial theories, or hopes for a mass                  \
                      movement or widespread witness bearing. But if the Moslem heart                      i ,
                      is open, and since Christ's Gospel is dynamite, then there remains noth­
                      ing to the problem but detail.                                                       ! •
                                                                                                           r ■
                         The Arab as such, and no thanks to Mohammed, is hospitable.                       5
                      In the course of rather extensive travels in Arabia, I have never-                   I
                      lacked bread nor water nor shelter. If there were time and space,                    1 •
                      I could regale the reader with stories ad inflnitum of open doors, and               e
                      hearty welcomes, and lavish entertainment such as made me leave                     li
                      the place shame-facedly and feeling under a lasting debt of gratitude.
                      And the hospitality is such as costs, it costs money, and it costs effort,           i
                      and the Arab cheerfully and loyally assumes the consequences. Once                   l
                      having eaten his bread and salt, he must convey you to the next tribe                i
                      in safety. Once at the peril of his life, a mere stripling of a guide
                      given me by a sheikh, stood off twenty others who thirsted for my                   r
                      blood. Once again, a six year old child in the saddle before me,                    P f
                      proclaimed to ail that I was to be unmolested as long as I was in the               >
                      borders of his tribe. Then again the Arab is of a discerning turn of                1 l
                      mind, with a keen knowledge of human nature. He surmises your
                      answer even before it has framed itself upon your lips. And he is
                      dignified, or proud, if you please, and loyal. All these are a great                f
                      asset to the Gospel messenger, and yet all of these are racial charac­
                      teristics. Mohammed took them and in the Koran and Traditions
                      fostered them, though with this qualification that though friendships
                      became more binding, hatreds became more implacable.                                i
                         When we come to the good qualities of the Arab which Islam had                   !i  I
                      spoiled, we notice first of all the quality of mind- The Arab has a                 i 5
                      splendid mind. Man for man, I think the Arabs have a greater                        » ; *
                     capacity for spiritual thinking than any others I have met, of thinking
                                                                                                          j .
                     acutely and even daringly. But into their psychical world fell the                   !
                     blight of “There is no god but Allah." and barrenness has been the                   3 u
                      result. The first word of the Moslem creed is No. and it has negatived
                     and petrified all his thoughts. It is claimed that Mohammed by thus                  I
                     proclaiming the unity of God has conferred a lasting benefit. After                  : :
                     nearly twelve years of missionary effort, I have not found it so. Give
        i            an incipient builder an inch-rule and he will build in inches. Give a
                     rugged mind a small, simple, axiomatic premise and that mind will
                     become small and simple, and spend its ruggedness in fanaticism.
                      He will moan, scream, gurgle, prattle “There is no god but Allah ^
                     from the cradle to the grave, and think he is religious, regardless of
                                                                                                          > •
                     the fact that the Devil makes the same confession. It is a marvel
                     that a man like Ghazzali, with his splendid mind, never called in                    i
                     question the second clause of his creed. Mohammed is the prophet of                  l

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